Chapter eleven

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I woke up to a loud banging on my door. It's not even 7:30! I got up slowly and answered the door. "How can I help you?" I asked annoyed. "Hi! Sorry to wake you, are you Keslie Anderson?" The lady asked, "Yeah why?" I asked her, "Hi! I'm Trudy Jones and I'm here to interview you so that I can write an article on you for the Rodeo News!" She said very peppy like, "Ok could we do it later today?" I asked her, "Of course! What time?" She said to me, "Like 10:30?" I said, "Ok! See ya then!" She responded and walked away.

I shut the door and grabbed my fear the grey horse shirt from Ranch Dress'n a bra underwear and some shorts and went to shower.

I plugged my phone in and turned on my country music playlist.

She's a Hot One by Luke Bryan came on and I jammed out singing along to that and my other songs. I got out and did my make up and did a loose beach curl in my hair then made some breakfast.

I had an Eggo Waffle with chocolate chips and syrup. It was yummy! I looked at the time and it was 9:30. I still have to wait one hour till she comes back. What should I go do?

I decided that I'd call Haze to see what he's doing.

"Hey babe!" He said when he answered the phone. "Hey! What are you doing today?!" I asked him, "Nothin much, what about you?" He said, "I have an interview!" I replied, "Awesome! With who?!" He asked me, "Trudy Jones from the Rodeo News." I said, "Great what time?" He asked me, "10:30" I replied, "K I'm coming over and we're gonna go do something!" He said, "Ok!" I replied as I got my shoes out.

He must have something planned for us to go do.

He knocked on the door 5 minutes later with blankets and food.

"Hey cowboy!" I said as I opened the door. "Hey cowgirl! I have some fun stuff planned!" He responded, "Ok! What are we doing??" I asked him, "You'll have to wait and see!" He said and we walked out to his truck and drove to a cute little meadow.

We talked and ate while we were sitting across from each other.

I was watching him and he was watching me. I saw him and his face and I just needed to have him touch me. I came over to him and sat down.

I leaned in on him and his lips crashed into mine. He cupped my face and he went down my neck to my sweet spot. I moaned and he kept going. He moved back up to my lips and back down.

I parted cause my phone kept going off like crazy! I got a bunch of calls and texts from Austin saying that a lady was waiting outside my trailer.

I looked at the time and it was 10:30. "Haze! It's 10:30!" I said, "Oh crap! Let's hurry back so you don't miss it!" He responded.

We hurried and packed up and headed back to the fairgrounds.


"Good luck!" Haze said to me as we pulled in. "Thanks! I'll need it." I said to him. We both got out and he walked me back to my trailer and she was waiting there.

We were holding hands as we came over. "Hey Keslie!" Trudy said, "Hey! Sorry I'm late! We took a little longer than we thought we would." I told her, "It's fine!" She said. "Good luck babe! I'm gonna go. Love ya!" Haze said to me as he gently kissed me, "Ok, love ya too!" I replied and I kissed him again and he left.

"Ok! Shall we start?" She asked me, "Yeah" I responded. "Ok then" she said and she asked me questions and stuff. She also asked for a picture and I gave her one.

After she left I went to Hazes cause I was bored.

"Hey!" I said as I walked up to the arena fence where he was working Harley and Jackson. "Hey! How'd it go?" He asked me, "It was good!" I replied. "Do you wanna ride Jackson for me?! We can ride together!" He said, "Of course!" I said and went in the arena and hopped on.

I walked over to Haze and I stopped next to him. "Are you.." I started saying as he kissed me. We parted and I looked at him happily as he did the same.

I helped with his horses and went back to the trailer when he went to the chutes. I put on my white rodeo shirt and put my Victoria tack set on Oklahoma from DRE my favorite sponsor. I put on some red boots and bell boots then warmed him up.

I watched Haze ride and he got a 92.5! He won the rodeo and even beat the legendary Wright family! I have nothing against them, but I'm still very proud that he beat them.

I ran and got a 17.20 and won it again!

I got my check after putting Okie away and I came back inside and crashed on the bed out of tiredness from not getting much sleep recently.


I had such an amazing time with Keslie today! We went out for a picnic and had a beautiful view but mine was especially good!

We got back just in time! The reporter for Keslie was packing up to leave. I kissed her and said good bye and good luck and went back to the trailer.

I caught the horses and tacked them up. I got on Harley and ponied Jackson to the arena.

While I was riding Harley Kes finally got finished with her interview and came to the arena. "Hey cowboy!" I heard her say. I stopped by the fence so that I could talk to her again, "Hey cowgirl!" I said, "Do you wanna ride Jackson??" I asked her, "Of course!" She said and went to get him.

She hopped on and walked over to me. I was watching her and dang! I got a good girl! I wasn't thinking and when she stopped by me. I leaned over and I kissed her. She's obviously ok with it and so am I but I gotta start thinking before doing.

We parted and talked for a little then we raced a couple of times around the arena and did a little team ropin then called it good cause the rodeo starts in 20 minutes!

People were starting to get here so we left and got the horses untacked and put away. "I've gotta get going to the chutes." I said to Keslie as she unsaddled Jack. "Ok, I've gotta get Okie ready to go. See ya!" She said and let Jackson loose then left.

I hurried and put on a red rodeo shirt and grabbed my bag and went to the chutes.

I drew the bronc Ace and Spades and I had some good competition tonight! I'm competing against the legendary Wright family!

I put my saddle on and he was rolled into chute number six. I got on and put my feet in the stirrups, and I grabbed the rope. We came rippin outta the chute! I rode it out and got a 92.5! I beat all the Wrights and won the whole thing!

I got my stuff and went in for the night. I put on some gray sweatpants and a light blue shirt and fell asleep on the bed in an instant.

***I'm probably going to end this book soon just cause I'm running out of ideas for it and I have new ideas for other books. I'm not going to delete this book though this way others can read it!***

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