Chapter four

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"I'm leaving now!" I called to my mom, "Ok! Good luck! Love you! Call me every night!" She said, "I know! Good bye!" I said as I started my truck and drove down the drive. "Houston here we come!" I said as we drove.

I sang along to my music and right when I got to Houston my favorite pump up song came on, "I am invincible, unbreakable, unstoppable,  unshakable, if they knock me down I'll get back up again. I am the champion!" I sang along to The Champion by Carrie Underwood, my number one pump up! I pulled in and got the horses unloaded and gave them some water.

"Keslie! Wait up!" I heard Austin call behind me, "Well look who decided to come!" I said sarcastically, "Very funny, are you going to the check in?" He asked me, "Yeah" I replied, "Me too!" He responded, we talked and caught up with each other as we walked over to the booth.

"Hi! What's your name?" The man asked, "Keslie Anderson!" I told him, "Ok! Here's your number!" He said.

I walked back to my trailer and put all three horses in their stalls and waited for the rodeo to start.

I went to go get Dakota out and saddle him up, I was putting his halter and I heard a sweet southern voice. "Hey Keslie!" Haze said, "Hey Haze! How'd ya do?" I asked him, "Good! I won it tonight!" He replied, "Thats awesome!" I responded as I started walking to my trailer. "Would you like to go to dinner or lunch sometime?" He asked me, "I'd love to! When would you like to go?!" I asked, "Anytime you can!" He said and you could hear the excitement in his voice, "Let's try for tomorrow at 12?" I said, "Ok! It's a date! I'll come get you!" He said, "Oh, and I'll be watching you tonight!" "Ok! Wish me luck cowboy!" I responded.

After he left I brushed and saddled Dakota and put my favorite tack set the Morgan Sunflower tack set from Desert Rose Equine on and my yellow boots and bell boots on too.

I got him saddled up and I took him to the warm up pen. I was the only rookie at this rodeo, but that's ok because I'm gonna kick everyone's butt! Yes, I'm very competitive!

Our next rider to go is Keslie Anderson! She a resistol rookie of the year and so far is rockin it!

I heard the announcer call my name and I walked Dakota down the alley way, I felt him get prancey and I let him go! We got to first in an instant, then second then third! I kicked home and I brought him to a stop.
That's a 17.23 for her! That puts her in first! Let's hope she can keep it in first!
The announcer said over the big speakers.

I walked Dakota back to the trailer and both Haze and Austin came up and walked with me, "Great job Kes! I hope you win it!" Austin said, "Yeah you did great!" Haze said, "Thanks guys!" I replied, we walked and talked and they helped me feed the horses and I gave them fresh water. "Well, I'm gonna turn in for the night, maybe I'll go watch the bull ridin..." I told them, "Ok, but you should come watch me ride!!" Austin said, "Ok fine, what number are you?" I asked him, "5" he responded, "Ok let's just go over now." I said to them.

"This is my stop!" Austin said to us, "Ok good luck!" We both said in unison.

We walked in a very awkward silence, and sat down on the alley way gate/fence to watch. "So, are you ready for tomorrow??" He asked me, "Yes!! I'm excited! Why wouldn't I be?!" I responded, "Ok then!!" He said right as a rider came out of the chute, the rider made the full 8 seconds, but he got hurt cause the bull came after him.

Our 5th rider will be Austin Atwood! He's drawn the bull Bruiser, he's a former buckin bull of the year, and he's only been riden 3 times!
The bull came tearing out of the chute! He rode the full 8 seconds and the bull chased him but he got away and jumped up on the fence by us. "Good job!" I said to him, "Thanks!" He responded and walked back to the chutes. "Well I think that I'm gonna head in for the night now, have a good night! And see you tomorrow!" I said to Haze as I walked away.


I pulled into the rodeo grounds late at night after a long drive. I unloaded the horses and gave them their hay, fresh water, and their grain. I came inside and got ready for bed and fell asleep in an instant.

*The next day*

I yawned as I got out of bed to feed Jackson and Harley. I went outside and filled their water then their feeders, I came back and got ready for the day.

I went up to the check in booth and got my number then talked with Austin. "So did you ask her out?" Asked me, "I'm going too! And she'll hopefully say yes!" I replied, "Great job buddy! What are you guys doing??" He asked me, "We are going out for lunch." I told him, "Awesome! I've gotta go but I'll catch you later!" He said.

I walked back to my trailer and put my royal blue rodeo shirt on and grabbed my bag and went to the chutes to get ready.

I put my chaps on and walked to the bronc I drew, Craig at Midnight. A big gray stallion that's a total beast! I put my saddle on him and they rolled him in. I stepped in and put my feet in the stirrups and got ready to go and I grabbed my rope and nodded my head.

They opened the chute and we came buckin and zig zagging out. I made the 8 seconds and jumped off. I stood up and looked at my score and it was a 85.5! That puts me in first! I went back to the chutes and took my chaps off and walked back to my trailer.

I dropped my stuff off and I walked out to check the horses and I saw Keslie, "Hey Keslie!" I said to her, "Hey Haze! How ya doin?" She asked me, "Good! I won tonight!" I said, "That's awesome!" She replied as we walked to her trailer. "Would you like to go to dinner or lunch sometime?!" I asked her, "I'd love too! When would you like to go?" She asked, "Anytime that you can!" I said, you could hear my excitement, "Ok, how about tomorrow at 12?" She asked, "Ok! It's a date! I'll come get you!" I told her, "Oh and I'll be watching you tonight!" "Ok wish me luck cowboy!" She said.

I left her too it and I found a place to watch and waited for her turn.
Our next rider to go is Keslie Anderson! She a resistol rookie of the year and so far is rockin it!
They called her name and I watched her run and she did amazing! She ran a 17.23 and won it!

Me and Austin walked with Keslie after she ran and talked, "Great job Kes! I hope you win it!" Austin said, "Yeah you did great!" I said, "Thanks guys!" She replied, we walked and talked and we helped her feed the horses and She gave them fresh water. "Well, I'm gonna turn in for the night, maybe go watch the bull ridin..." She said, "Ok, but you should come watch me ride!!" Austin said, "Ok fine, what number are you?" She asked him, "5" he responded, "Ok let's just go over now." She said to us, "This is my stop!" Austin said to us, "Ok good luck!" We both said in unison.

We walked in an awkward silence and we sat on the alley way gate and watched. "So are you ready for tomorrow??" I asked her "Yes! I'm excited! Why wouldn't I be?!" She said, "Ok then!" I said.

Austin rode the full 8 seconds and he came and jumped on the gate so that the bull wouldn't get him and Keslie said, "Good job!" "Thanks!" He replied. "Well, I'm gonna head on for the night. Good night, and see you tomorrow!" She said as she walked away.

I walked back to the chutes and told Austin that he did a good job and good night. I came back to the trailer checked the horses and went to bed.

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