16. The Admission

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With only a few hours to plan for the evening's celebration Florence had been rushing like crazy, leaving no time to better her outfit choice or make up – she was going casual tonight again. She looked at the goods that lay before her and smiled sheepishly; she had really gone all out for him. Chloe had screamed in excitement when she heard Travis was coming, not alluding to why, but Florence guessed it had something to do with their undeniable chemistry. In half an hour Chloe would be picking her up to head over to the cemetery.

Over the time Florence and Eric had spoken she had come to know one thing about him; he loved a good movie showing and that's exactly what she had planned for tonight. The Hollywood Forever Cemetery was famous for its many movie screenings and tonight was one of those nights. They were showing 'The Hand That Rocks the Cradle' one of Florence favorite old school horror films, and she knew Eric liked it too. He had told her that after he'd revealed that Jennifer hated horror movies...

Ugh, why did she have to think about Jennifer?

The minute Chloe showed up Florence felt nervous. Seeing Eric again, so soon, shouldn't bring back these nerves but here they were once more. She wondered if they were going to make this a recurring thing and in that case how often? All they had to do was drive that 30 minute drive to be with each other; and now they had both made it once.

"Are you alright, sweetie? You're very quiet..." Chloe asked her softly.

Florence turned to her, knowing she had to focus on the road and couldn't give her one of her many stares. She trusted Chloe to always answer her honestly, even if she hadn't asked for it, and this question was in dire need of a brutally honest answer.

"Do you think Eric likes me? She blurted out finally.

Chloe threw her head back and laughed, "Are you seriously asking me that?" Florence nodded shamefully, "obviously; yes!"

"How can you know that? To me that isn't obvious in the slightest!"

Chloe shook her head and turned up the music a little, "If you don't know that yet, you will soon."

"Are you really going to be like that?" Florence groaned and pulled on Chloe's fringe cardigan.

"Yes I am; if you're going to play dumb so am I. Now change the song because I hate this one."


Arriving to the cemetery 1 hour early was essential because the place was already half full. Chloe and Florence carried their picnic baskets, blankets and pillows close enough to the large screen and spread out.

"These are for me and Travis," Chloe set aside two large pillows on a separate blanket. When Florence looked at her with raised eyebrows Chloe simply shrugged and mimed a 'what?' to her.

"They should be here soon enough; we should start setting up the food."

"I can't believe you threw this together so quickly, you must really—"

"—not another word out of you, missy!" Florence said and continued setting up.

Florence zoned out while unpacking the goods that she had brought for her friends, mostly Eric, and didn't hear the sound of footsteps nearing their blanket – until Chloe squealed loudly. Florence head snapped up and she saw Travis scooping up Chloe in his arms and hugging her tightly; mimicking Eric and Florence first meeting. A few steps behind Travis she saw Michael and Eric making their way to the spot, a wide grin spreading on Eric's lips, and she was quickly on her feet to prepare to greet them.

"—and here I thought we were going grave digging tonight," Eric said when he finally reached her, "boy was I wrong."

"How morbid do you think I am?" Florence frowned jokingly.

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