3. Becoming Friends

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Going back to work the day after being dumped over text message wasn't exactly how Eric had planned it but what could you do? Strangely enough it wasn't all bad because he'd gained a...should he call her a friend? Yes, a friend. He had gained a friend from the horrible break up and he had no idea what she looked like or how old she was...but he enjoyed texting with her. Unfortunately his new found friendship hadn't distracted him enough from thinking about Jennifer and going into the office today he knew he'd have to tell his closest friend – maybe he could even offer some advice?

Nylon Advertising was located on the Pacific Coast Highway a view Eric loved to see every time he drove there. He parked his car, grabbed his laptop bag and headed inside the office; greeted by the smiling receptionist Adele, a 35-year old single mother with a heart of gold.

"Good morning Adele," he said with a half-smile and she waved back quickly before answering the phone. It seemed to be a busy morning for her.

Eric was glad to not see his colleague and friend Travis at his desk which meant that he was most likely on a breakfast meeting with some clients. Now if he could only focus on his work until lunch time then he could text Florence, not that he was counting the minutes or anything. Not being able to keep himself from his previous texts from Jennifer he decided to send her a quick one explaining that he would be ready to talk whenever she was – he just wanted her home and safe.

Now it was time to put his head down and get some work done before lunch, only 4 hours left...


So I'm on my lunch break...

And what's for lunch?

A Cuban sandwich, apparently also known as the Extreme Sandwich by the food truck outside of my workplace.

I love a Cuban sandwich! You make good food choices...

What are you eating for lunch?

A caprese salad and gnocchi in a pesto sauce.

Okay...your lunch just beat mine. What's the occasion or do you always eat like that?

My mom took me out to lunch and she likes to make a spectacle.

Tell her she can invite me to lunch anytime!

I'm sure she'll take you up on that! How is work?

I felt nervous going in today because of what happened yesterday but nobody has asked me how I'm doing or what I did over the weekend so it's great!

And what will you say when someone does ask you how you are?

I'll tell them I'm doing fine.

Do you have a friend that you trust, Eric?

Yes, my friend Travis.

You should tell him. I'd tell my friend if I were you.

What else would you do if you were me?

Watch another Hallmark movie and eat all your cereal.

And if I were you I'd never leave your mother's side. It seems good food and good trips come from being around her.

Just do what my mother does and attach yourself to my father!

I can't help but to feel you're being unfair to her....

You wouldn't feel like that if you were me...

...but back to you now; have you've been getting a lot of work done?

A clearing of a throat caused Eric to pop his head up and he stared right at Travis who was smirking in front of him. The handsome man in front of him placed an energy drink on his desk and sat down at the desk next to Eric.

"Who are you texting? I thought Jen told you to leave her alone during her trip?"

Here we go, Eric thought and sighed. It was no secret to neither Travis or Eric that Travis and Jennifer didn't have the best relationship so he was curious how his friend would react to the news.

"I'm not texting Jennifer and even if I was it wouldn't matter anyway because she dumped me." He let it all spill out in one breath and waited for Travis reaction.

He could see Travis was trying not to smile but eventually he got up and embraced his friend.

"I am so sorry man, I know you really loved her," Travis started and then grabbed Eric's shoulders firmly, "but that woman was a crazy b—"

"Don't start Travis!" Eric cut him off quick.

"She was constantly trying to change you and make you into some guy you weren't; now you don't have to deal with that anymore!"

Travis was too much of a ladies man to understand what a break up like this felt like. Eric and Jennifer had been together since senior year of college, 3 years ago, and in Eric's eyes they had been rock solid since the first time they met. Eric thought about what Travis just told him and allowed it to sink in a little. Could there be any truth behind it?


I am so sorry for not replying earlier, I had a lot of work to do.

During lunch?

My friend Travis came by to talk to me and we got in to the break up between me and Jen.

What did he say?

He hated Jen so he told me this was good news, I wasn't exactly thrilled.

Why doesn't he like her?

He told me it's because she tries to change me into something I'm not...

Do you think that's true?

Absolutely not! I wouldn't have been with her for 3 years had I felt that way.

Remember when you told me that you trusted your friend Travis?


Why don't you trust him now?

To be honest; I don't know. Everything's confusing me right now.

Tell me about them, the things that are confusing you I mean?

For starters I don't know how I feel about Jennifer; am I angry, sad or just worried or all three? I am confused about what Travis said because I'm not sure it's not a complete lie and I'm confused about talking to you...

You're confused about me? Why?

I mean I don't even know you and I'm opening up to you without knowing why...I mean are we friends?

Eric waited 10 minutes for a reply. He distracted himself by eating cereal out of the box and smiling at his earlier conversation with Florence about his Cinnamon Crunch.

I haven't really thought about it but yes, I'd say we're becoming friends.

Good at least that clears something up.

Hang on a minute, I said 'becoming friends' you'll have to pass my test first...

Okay...what do I have to do?

Well first: what's your favorite movie?

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