Chapter 14: Two Heads Are Better Than One.

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Breakfast is amazing. I don't even stop to consider what it is we are eating. I've gone too many days on this trip without regular meals to be picky. Besides, I barely have to do more than smile in his direction to get Myles talking. He's champing at the bit to tell me his story. It's a lovely tale of betrayal and overcoming adversity that bears a striking resemblance to The Count of Monte Cristo. I make sure I'm duly impressed with all his accomplishments.

After the meal, Myles gives me a tour of the castle. It's nearly as odd and winding as his labyrinth. I smile and comment on the beautiful aspects of the place, all the while counting doors and marking exits. My gambit seems to be working; Myles basks in the attention and can't help but show off. Which means I get an exclusive look at where his prize possession is kept.

Fortunately, Easton is not being held in a dungeon. He is, however, in the highest room in the tallest tower. (Yeah, I know.) Not to mention the door is an iron gate with an imposing lock. Easton himself is not what I expected. He is Jareth's "baby brother" only in the sense that he is younger. This kid appears to be fourteen or fifteen years old (at least, by our standards) and looks completely normal. Dark spiky hair, white t-shirt and jeans, he could be any kid sulking in his room. I don't see a family resemblance. Even though we are only a few feet away, Myles cat calls out as if there is great distance between them.

"Yooo hoooo! Sir Easton, please come and say helllllooooo."

Easton raises his eyes and regards Myles with a look of haughty disdain. Hm. Now I see the similarity. When Easton answers, his voice carries the same weight as his brother.

"Come now, Myles, you don't really expect me to perform like an animal in your zoo, do you?"

Myles isn't the least bit shamed, even though this kid seems to have put him in his place with one icy comment.

"Oh, but we have a very special visitor that I thought you would want to meet. Please be civil to Miss Sarah Williams."

Easton's mouth falls open and his face takes on an entirely different look. He steps closer, now seemingly unable to resist.

"You're really Sarah?"

He looks at me curiously, like it's some kind of trick.

"Does that mean..." His voice squeaks a little and he makes an effort to control himself.

"Does that mean that my brother is here too?"

He's addressing me, and there's so much hope and concern behind his question, I can barely stand it. I nod solemnly.

The regal look steals back across his face. He clasps his hands behind his back and with as much authority as he can summon, says:

"Then your game is at an end. Release me to my brother at once."

He does a remarkable job at delivering the command, and I wonder if he might not be a little older than I originally guessed. Myles gazes at him for a moment, as if watching an intriguing show, then replies,

"Hmmm, No."

Easton loses a little of his composure.

"What!? The thirteen days have not passed! If my brother is here, then he has completed your challenge and you must let me go!"

"Oh, Easton, I'm afraid I must tell you that I never intended to let you go. You are, after all, rather important and influential. Quite the bargaining chip, I couldn't possibly give you away as a prize in a game."

Easton's calm breaks entirely.


"Not fair?" Myles turns suddenly dark and wraps his fingers menacingly around the bars. "No it isn't. And it's about time your family learned what that feels like."

Easton senses the danger and stays quiet, though he won't lower his furious eyes. Myles turns after a moment and leans against the wall, gathering himself. Though his choice in attire makes him look comical, I can see he is not to be underestimated. His thirst for revenge is driving him harder than anything else and he will not be stopped. Work brain files this information away as we move on from Easton's cell. Myles has turned in on himself, quietly stoking the embers of his rage while we make our way down to the main level of the castle. The tour ends on a grand balcony off of the great hall, over looking the valley and the winding path of the river. It's outstandingly beautiful, everything sparkles in the sun, even the grass seems to shimmer and the black mountains glint reflectively. Still, I have trouble appreciating the view. All I can see is how isolated we are. Mountains three quarters of the way around, the sea guarding the only opening. Even the river prevents direct access to the front of the castle, and the grassy field makes it easy to spot anyone approaching. A fortress indeed. I'm trying to find the best way to ask what he intends to do with me when Myles finally sighs and begins speaking.

"Sarah, I have a proposition for you."

My face must show my bewilderment.

"I know you are as disgusted with this place and it's people as I am and no doubt you are in a great hurry to return home. However, I would like you to consider staying here for awhile. I don't suppose Jareth has told you how prominent his family is?"

I shake my head. I'm sure what little he did tell me barely scratches the surface.

"Well, put simply, they rule this world. Specifically, his mother. She heads the council that governs everything. One day her child will hold the position she now occupies. Jareth made himself the black sheep of the family long ago, so it is Easton who will succeed her. I hold power over her child, so neither she nor the council would dare to risk Easton's life by resisting me. Soon, I will take control of this world and rule as King. I'm offering you the chance to be my partner. I need an advisor, someone who can see the situation from another point of view. Someone who can streamline my assault and make my attack an instrument of deadly precision. You are the advisor, the partner, that I need, Sarah."

Time to put on your professional pants, chica.

"Why me?" I ask as neutrally as possible.

Myles gives a short laugh.

"You defeated Jareth's revolting Labyrinth when you were only fifteen! You puzzled out every challenge you faced in my maze with fantastic skill and cunning. You even overcame seemingly impossible odds and took daring risks to reach the goal. My Dear Sarah! I can think of no one better suited for the position. If anyone can help me achieve my goal, it is you."

I frown slightly and look out at the shining vista, pretending to consider.

Myles takes the bait, and though my hesitation has the intended affect, his words are chillingly familiar.

"Look, Sarah, look what I'm offering you. Retribution! Together, we can met out the justice that has so long been denied to us. Tell me you don't want that!"

I turn to look him in the eye.

"Myles, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

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