Chapter 12: Come Hell Or High Water

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I wake the next morning to warm sun and bird song. Jareth is already awake, staring out at the castle. I join him at the edge of the shelf, taking in our surroundings. We have certainly made progress. The first time we caught a glimpse of this place, we could only see the shape of the castle far in the distance. But now we are standing on a ridge close enough to see the details of the structure. Neither of us comments on the nearness of our goal, however. We've seen too many turn of events to take it for granted that we are finally about to reach our destination. Instead, I turn my attention to the ledge itself. Now in the daylight, I can see that their are two paths leading off of this outcropping. One goes to the right and one to the left. The one to the right seems to wind back into the mountains, continuing around the crescent shaped range. The one to the left is a narrow staircase leading to the patch of forest that's between us and the castle. Both paths make me frown. If the one to the left leads to the castle, then there doesn't seem to be any reason for the path to continue to the right. I scan the range in both directions. As far as I can see, this is the closest the mountains get to the fortification. Going back the way we came, or following the path to the right would take us away from it. Still, the staircase to the left seems suspicious. Jareth seems to snap out of his trance and turns to face the cave, looking at our options. He steps toward the one on the left.

"So, we are taking the stairs?" I say, just to break the silence.

But Jareth shakes his head. "I am, but you are not."


I couldn't be more shocked. But Jareth looks fiercely determined.

"I've spotted nearly 300 soldiers hiding in those trees, this is a trap, and one that will very likely end in death. I must go through it, but you do not. Go back to The Observatory and Davina will help you get home."

I open my mouth to protest, but he puts a hand to my cheek, stilling me.

"Thank you for all that you have done for me."

His kiss is light, and over too quickly.

"Goodbye, Sarah."

Then he's gone, and in the time it takes me to recover enough to open my eyes, he's already taken the first steps down toward the forest, and drawn his sword.


I race down the stairs after him, catching his sleeve just before he can step to the ground.

"Jareth, Stop! This isn't the way!"

He hesitates at my touch, but none of the determination has left his eyes.

"Please, don't do this, please!"

I suddenly feel like my fifteen year old self, begging for Toby to be brought back. I'm sure the same desperation fills my voice.

"Sarah, this is the way it is done..."

"NO!" I command, in my most irrefutable tone.

"You will not sacrafice yourself here. Your brother doesn't want you to die. I don't want you to die."

I pause, letting my words sink in.

"It's Myles you must face, not this ambush, and I can help you get to him if you just trust me."

I know what I am asking. Trust is not something we have had in spades for each other. Though it feels like much longer, we've only been working together for one week. Still, I'm hoping that what we have accomplished in that one week is enough to sway him. It seems to work, he turns away from the forest to me and lowers his sword. Some of the hardness has gone from his eyes, replaced by a fragile hope. I take his hand.

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