Chapter 12: Ice

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<Wills POV>

It's been a few days and the dressage people have left. It's a bit quieter not having so many people. Not constantly running around. Ash will be staying for 6 months, quite a while but nothing no one can't handle.

"Hey we need to plow the driveway we have Ash coming over and the rest of the group" Bailey says catching me off guard.

"I'll get Rusty" I say heading towards his stall "Someone's coming to look at him a few days".

"Nice, well if Rusty can plow the drive way I think he'll do well at any weather."

"Hey Rusts you want a treat before we go take care of the driveway?" I ask the horse getting a happy neigh from him as I give him some honey oats. I put Rusty on the cross-ties while I went to go get his harness and plow.

"Hey if this um plow thing doesn't work we have the motor one in the shed right?" I ask unsure as I lead Rusty outside.

"Nope it's been busted since last winter".

"So, so lovely".

"Heh, yep it is". Bailey says in a sarcastic tone.

I attach the plow to the back of Rusty and he almost takes off.

"Sled horse you must be then," I mutter to myself in amusement.

As Bailey and I with the help of Rusty clear the driveway off and snow starts to fall from sky lightly. I bring Rusty into the barn after I have taken the plow off him. He receives a quick brush down and I put his horse blanket on him.

I hear a truck pull in sounding like it belongs to Ash. I shiver as I realize just how cold is outside. I go to the tack room and grab a heavier coat.

I hear the barn doors open and close as Bailey and Ash come in.

"It's freezing outside" Ash says as I leave the tack room to greet her. I hear a ping from my phone and look at it. I see that Alma and Molly are unable to make it to Horseland.

"Hey Ash!" I say.

"Hey, you look cold".

"Well I am, anyways Alma and Molly won't be able to make to Horseland with the bad weather".

"The weather is probably hitting bad in the city right now". Bailey says looking over towards Alma's and Molly's horses.

"Why don't we head to the house where it's warmer".

"Sounds like a good idea"

"I'll wait in the barn for Sarah, Nani, Zoey and Chloe because there probably going to want to see there horses". Bailey says.

"Well alright tell them when you see them tell them that there welcome into house." I say as I scratch Mists head.

Once we're in the house Ash looks a bit worried.

"What's wrong" I ask concerned.

"Mists not here, Brook and Prince are but not Mist".

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