Chapter 8: The mud mishap

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Okay so this may be one of my shorter chapters I'm pretty sure. I'm sorry if so. Serious writers block.

Thanks again warriorcatlover12345 for your Oc's they are very much appreciated. Also my favorite is Rusty I'm sorry I know you like Midnight.

Oh and I still take ocs they might be featured later but if I mention yours before the story it'll be in the story.

Wills POV:

Okay so in between lessons Noni and I have been getting help with are horses. Let me just say for Noni, Ki and I got Sundust to wear a saddle easily. It was extremely hard for me to get a saddle on Jimber. I did it though I fixed MY HORSE! That was about all but interesting. Rather boring everyone who was helping out was tuckered out and could careless at the efforts made. Same for me as well.

Im grooming Jimber in his stall at Bright fields after teaching lessons. A horse during lessons decided he was done for the day and started rolling in the mud. So being the somewhat responsible person I am I went to get the rider and horse from the mud. My clothes became drenched in mud and so did my horse (kind of). I also was a idiot and went like that for the whole lesson. I wonder why all the lesson kid and teens were in the hay barn all it has is the best wi-fi spot. Nope just nope! I'm done with the internet and life. Great....

I finish brushing Jimber and give him some oats and start heading to the trailer to get a new shirt. Currently all I am wearing is a tank-top and even that's covered in dirt and mud from earlier.

When I'm finally at the trailer I'm greeted with Ki's horse Bear. I don't see Ki around and his trailer his but not his truck.

"Hey, boy I'll bet he'll be right back". I say to bear as I stroke his neck. Bear gives a soft nicker back and I head into the trailer trying to find a shirt. I rummage through my stuff not being able to find a shirt. I know I packed shirts. I look out of a trailer window to still see Bear by my trailer. All of a sudden I hear the back door of the trailer shut.

I hop on bridle-less Bear and start chasing after the culprit. I quickly find out Sarah and Molly are behind this. Great I wonder who thought of it first. Currently I want the day to be over with. Bear quickly catches up to them, he's a lot faster then Jimber.

Once I catch up the girls I give them a stern look as I snatch my shirts back. I only find a few so the rest must be hidden around the trailer great. I look for those later. I but on a black flannel shirt and button it quickly still on Bear. The horse thankfully stops at the trailer. I quickly throw the shirts with the rest of my belongings and continue my day like none of that happened.

I head to Jimbers stall as Bear trails behind me. I find Ash petting her horse Midnight who's stall is right next to Jimbers and Aztecs. I thought Midnight and Aztec were great together when they first met. I think it helps with Midnights shyness.

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