CH 11 One Night

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Barry POV

When the door opened I saw Thea and said "oh is Oliver here Thea" she looked at me with a confused look and said "why do you need Oliver" I sighed and said "well I just got dumped and I thought Oliver could help or something" she chuckled and said "well I mean I can try and help come In" I walked in shutting the door behind me and said "so how do you think you can help" she laughed and said "first you need a drink" I said "I had one earlier so do I take another one" she nodded yes so I ran to STAR Labs to grab the vial and when I came back she asked "what's that" I said "well I can't get drunk with regular alcohol so I need this" she nodded and grab a bottle of vodka and took a big drink then sat down and gestured for me to sit down with her so I sat down and she said "you need a rebound Barry" I gave her a confused look and asked "how" she gestured for me do drink my vial so I did and when I was done I said "now what because I'm feeling more then  buzzed" she gave me a devilish smirk but before I could say anything she kissed me and I pulled away saying "Thea are you sure you want to do this I mean Oliver could come in at any moment" she said in a sexy tone "oh I'm sure I want to do this and if you don't want Oliver to interrupt we can go to my room" as she said this she climbed up on me and kissed me again and I thought damn she can kiss she then she lifted up my shirt and said quietly "let's move this to my room" I grabbed her legs and wrapped them around me and ran to her room setting us both on the bed with me on top and she kissed me again and I deepen the kiss by biting her bottom lip then she gives me entrance into her mouth and we fight for dominance and when I got dominance I feel a little dizzy and my eyes feel heavy and I black out

Kara POV

I woke up in my bed at National City with a headache and saw Barry wasn't with me so I called him and after a couple rings he picked up

Barry name on Kara phone is Barry⚡️😘

Barry⚡️😘: yeah Kara what's up

Me: Barry why am I in National City

Barry⚡️😘: umm let me think..... oh yeah we got into a argument because we were playing truth or dare and I was dared to kiss Caitlin and you got all mad

Me: ok well are we still together

Barry⚡️😘: no you said we were over

Me: oh well can we talk

Barry ⚡️😘: ok are you coming over

Me: ok I'll be over in a sec


I got out of bed and put on a yellow dress and flew out the window and when I got to the apartment Barry was on the couch so I sat next to him and said "so are we gonna stay broken up because I don't want to be" he looked at me with love in his eyes and gave me a small yet passionate kiss and when we pulled away I felt myself blush and said "I'll take that as a no" he nodded his face still a few inches away from mine so I kissed him and then bushes him back and sat on his lap and then feeling a little bulge form in his jeans that made me laugh into out kiss with made him move me up more on his lap to pick me up and as we were standing up Barry phone rang so he swiped it not noticing it was on FaceTime and Cisco screamed "oh god I need bleach for my eyes" when he said this Barry pulled away and said "oh sorry Cisco I thought you just called I would have put you on speaker" he said "oh well I didn't just call ok you should check" I gave him a mad look and he continued "ok anyway what are you going to be for Halloween" Barry said snappy "I don't have time to think about that right now I was kinda busy" Cisco laughed and said "yeah busy with Kara" I mouthed to him shut up he gulped and said "ok I'll let you continue but please don't do that at STAR Labs" I gave him a smirk and said "no promises" and hung up and turned to Barry him still holding me and said "what are you gonna be for Halloween" he sighed and said "you want to go costume shopping don't you" I chuckle and said "no we're going costume shopping he sighed and said "ok let's go then" and put me down

A/N made a sort chapter bc I want to make a Halloween chapter and it will be up tomorrow and also thanks so much for 1k reads also it not gonna make a little chapter saying thanks bc that's annoying to get the notification that someone posted and it's a thank bc it gets your hopes up but thank you all once again

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