CH 1 Earth 3

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A/N I skip the whole part where Kara and Barry fight Live wire and the story starts when Barry leaves

Kara Pov

"Are you sure you have to go Barry" I asked Barry's look down to me with a sad face and said "I'm sorry Kara but I have to" that's when I thought to myself if I should let him leave Barry asked "cmon Kara you ready" I looked at him with a sad expression and said "yeah let's go Barry" we line up to get ready to race and we run and I though him forward and he lands and nothing happens I ask "what happened" he said "I don't know what happened Kara" and gave me a sad expression I said "hey want to get doughnuts to cheer us up" he looked at me and said "yeah"

(time skip)

Barry POV

When we got back to Kara's apartment I asked Kara "what do you want to do" she said "movie" and I responded with "movie" so we jumped on the couch and I turned on the tv to watch a movie but as I was searching for a movie I said "hey do you guys have titanic" she looked at me and said "yeah we do"so I super sped through the city and found a disc for the movie and said "yeah let's watch it"

(time skip)

Kara POV

I shook Barry and said "this is my favorite part where there at the front of the boat and look at each other and kiss" and looked up at him and he looked down at me with his emerald eyes and i leaned in a little and he kissed me and I pulled back and said "Barry a" but got stopped by him kissing me again and I kissed back and was thinking do I have feelings for Barry I have to I'm kissing him and I like it a lot and then he started to kiss my neck up and down and he leaned back and the couch letting me go on top and as things were getting heated I got a call from Cat and pulled away from him and said "only one sec please" and he gave me a smirk and said "ok any longer and I'm not holding back" I looked at him and my checks were glowing red and I answered my phone

Phone Call

K=Kara C=Cat

K: yeah Mrs.Grant
C:your late Kara
K:oh uhh I forgot to go back
C:what is that noise in the background
K:what are you talking about
C:I hear kissing
C:is it John
K:what no
C:umm it's Barry
K:uhhh maybe
C:ok I get it You may continue I guess

Barry POV

I was still kissing Kara's neck when she put her phone down and looked me in the eyes and pulled away I said "what's wrong" she said "nothing just my boss is now aware that I made out with you" I said "it's not my fault your beautiful and I can't keep my hands off of you and I don't care that your boss knows" she looked at me with her checks looking so red and said "well you have a point I am beautiful and I shouldn't care that she knows " I looked at her and said "yeah I do have a point" she leaned in a little and I pressed my lips against hers when I started to kiss her neck and she moaned a little and pushed me on the couch and laid on me and we fell asleep.

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