Chapter 11

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Finn and Rachel walked up the stairs towards the kitchen where Kurt was cooking lunch. They stood there awkwardly until Kurt noticed them, finally he did. "Can I help you?" Kurt questioned with a frown, Finn avoided eye contact as he tried to think of what to say. "We need to tell you something." Rachel spoke for him, "we will talk during lunch!" she added, as she took Finn's hand and dragged him into the next room, leaving Kurt standing in the kitchen with a suspicious look upon his face. "How are we meant to tell him?" Rachel asked in a harsh whisper, Finn sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't know! maybe just tell him straight out!" The tall boy suggested. Rachel groaned but nodded, "I guess we could." She replied. After a few more minutes, Kurt walked into the room with lunch. "Tada! Enjoy your food!" He smiled as he handed them their plates. Kurt was about to walk out of the room with his plate, not wanting to intrude on finchels time together, until Finn stopped him. "Woah, woah! dude! come back we need to talk!" He called out to his brother. Kurt slowly walked back in with a frown, "should I be worried?" He asked a tiny bit concerned. Finn chuckled a bit "No, no we just need to tell you something." The taller boy explained. Kurt silently sat down and waited to hear what his brother and bestfriend had to say. "Ohk, uhh... I don't know how your going to take this... but uh... We travelled back in time!" Finn told his younger brother, he and Rachel stared at the other boy waiting for his reaction. Kurt just sat there with raised eyebrow and then started laughing. "Ohk, very funny, can I go to my room now?" Kurt asked with a smile. Finn and Rachel frowned, "We are serious!" Rachel told her bestfriend, who just nodded with a look that told them he still didn't believe them. "Kurt we aren't joking! We were looking through photo albums and then came accross yours, we went to open it and the next thing we knew we had travelled back in time! Back to when you were a little kid." Finn explained with a desperate look upon his face. "Well then i hope you had a fun time." Kurt got up and was about to head off to his room, he still didn't believe them, he thought they were just messing around with him. "Kurt! Stop! You have to listen! We went to the past to when you were little! Only you and a few other little kids could see us! We became really good friends with you and we were there for you when you needed us! We were there when your mother died!" Rachel told Kurt while Finn nodded along. Suddenly Kurt turned around with a disgusted look on his face, "how dare you bring up my mothers death in your stupid joke!" He glared at them. Finn and Rachel watched as Kurt's eyes started to water, "That's so disrespectful! I cant believe you's" he said before he turned and headed for his room feeling really upset. "Kurt! no wait! We are sorry! We swear we aren't joking! it actually happened!" Rachel tried to inform Kurt, "Kurt we have proof!" Finn added. This got Kurt to stop, "Proof? really? Show me this proof..." The boy asked with an annoyed look on his face. Finn pulled out his phone and walked over to Kurt showing him the picture that he took of him at a younger age, sleeping on his old bed with Rachel (who was her normal age). The picture was taken in his old room, in his old house. Kurt frowned and looked closer at the picture, "What? How? That's me! That's my old room! But how?... This is impossible." He shook his head and ran his hand through his perfectly positioned hair, ruining it. "I remember having these two people visit me when I younger saying they were from the future... But i believed that they were only imaginary friends... I didn't know they were you..." Kurt admitted, looking up at Finn and Rachel. "Did you know you were actually best friends with Blaine back then?" Finn asked with a smirk, earning himself a weird look from Kurt. "What? really?" Kurt asked looking a bit confused, 'This is so weird' Kurt thought, "So... How did you travel back in time?" he asked the couple.

Kurt and finchel found themselves standing in the basement in front of the mess of photo albums. "so you just open the book and magically find yourself in another timezone?" Kurt asked with a frown, this was so surreal. "yes! I swear to god, we are telling the truth!" Finn replied quickly, getting only a nod in reply. Kurt slowly took one step forward then quickly rushed towards the photo album. "Kurt? What are you doing?!" Rachel questioned speed walking after him. Kurt dropped to his knees right next to the book and reached his arm out to open it "I'm going to travel back in time!" he spoke up as he opened the front cover. "Kurt wait! Wh- no!" Rachel stuttered as she dashed towards her best friend and the photo album but it was too late. By the time she got to Kurt they were already blasted to the past.

"oh. My. God" Kurt gasped, "My mum and dads old room!" he gushed and stood up on his feet. Rachel looked around for Finn but she couldn't see him anywhere, "I don't think Finn transported with us, he must of been too far away from the book" she told Kurt, who turned around just noticing that the tall boy wasn't there, "oh..." he replied quietly."I will be quick I swear, I just want to look around then we can transport back home." he said shortly after. Kurt made his way towards the door of his parents room then stopped abruptly, "what timezone are we in?" he asked Rachel with a curious look on his face. "i'm not sure, i'm guessing the same timezone Finn and I had left when time we traveled." All of a sudden a small figure bursted through the door and ran straight into Kurt causing itself to fall to the ground. "I guess not." Rachel added to what she had said previously. "Kurt Elizabeth Hummel! Please be careful!" Kurt's mothers voice came from downstairs. Kurt just stood there looking down at his smaller self with a shocked look upon his face. "wait! This where Finn and I traveled to when we first opened the photo album!" Rachel spoke up, she looked at Kurt and his younger self. They were frozen there staring at each other. "who are you?" the smaller boy finally spoke. Kurt eventually removed his eyes from the younger version of himself and turned to look at Rachel with a lost look on his face. "Kurt! Where are you? We need to get you to school!" Kurt's mum called from below them as she slowly made her way up the stairs looking for her son. Rachel quickly rushed towards baby Kurt and ignored how he tensed up when she had help lifted him up back on his feet. "Kurt listen, we are from the future." She had to hold in a chuckle as she saw the boys eyes wide comically. "but you cannot tell anyone ok? Not even your mother promise?" Rachel continued holding up her pinky finger for a pinky promise. Younger Kurt looked a bit hesitant at first but then took a deep breath, smiled and hooked his tiny pinky finger around hers, "I promise!" he said with giggle. All of a sudden the door of the room opened, "There you are!" Kurt's mother smiled as she walked into the room. Rachel looked towards Kurt to see his reaction, he was standing right next to her with his arms wrapped around himself in a protective manor, he looked shocked and his eyes were watering. Kurt's mum was looking around the room, "Kurt, what are doing in here?" she asked with a frown, the small boy looked confused. "wait! You cant see them?!" he asked dramatically, waving his hands around. His mother looked down at him with a weird look upon her face, "honey, what are you talking about?" the little version of Kurt looked up at the two teenagers with confusion written all over his facial. "Alrighty then, come on kurtie we have to go now or you will be late to school!" Kurt's mother smiled as she picked her son up and carried him out the room. The two left in the room stayed quiet for a moment, until Kurt broke the silence with a sniffle. "Rachel we need to leave now! I cant handle this." he said, his voice hoarse. Rachel just nodded understanding how hard this must have been for him. She went to get the photo album when she realized something. "Kurt... I don't know where the photo album is..." she said quietly. Kurt turned to face her with a panicked look, "WHAT?!"

Rachel sat at the end of Kurt's parent's bed as Kurt walked from one side of the room to another repeatedly. "i'm SUCH an idiot! Why did I even THINK about doing this in the first place! I'm so stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID! Now we are stuck here! Where is that bloody photo album?! Where would my mother put it?! Oh god-" "KURT!" Rachel interrupted her best friend's rambling. "we will figure something out! Everything is going to be fine." she reassured him as she gave him a hug. "Now if you were a photo album where would you be?".

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