Chapter 8

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The next day wasn't very eventful for Rachel and Finn, Kurt was at school and Burt was at work, so they had the house to themselves. Finn was watching some old episode of 'Friends' that was on TV while Rachel was incredible bored with nothing to do. Until... Something on the dining table caught her eye. "Finn! Finn! Quick come here!", Finn stumble off the couch and scrambled to where his girlfriend was, as fast as he could, "What's wrong? What happened?!" He asked in one breath. Rachel didn't say anything and just pointed at an object that was placed on the dining table. Finn slowly turned his head to look at what she was pointing at and what he saw made him gasp.

It was about 2:30pm when Kurt and his dad arrived home, "I'm just gonna go up to my room" the boy told his father with a smile as he rushed up the stairs. When Kurt had entered his room he was greeted by Finn and Rachel standing next to each other looking at him like they were desperate to tell him something. "Uh- hey guys" Kurt greeted awkwardly. "Kurt we need to talk" Rachel told the boy.

"Ok, so you know how we are from the future?" Rachel asked. The three were all seated in a circle on the floor of Kurt's room. "Yeah" Kurt replied looking at the girl suspiciously. "Well we traveled here by opening this book." Rachel explained, "And this book was a nicely decorated photo album that i think was made by your mother" she added. Little Kurt thought for a second and then straightened up, "Oh! you mean the photo album on the dining table?" The boy asked. Rachel and Finn both nodded, "We think that, that book will help us find our way back home to the future." Finn spoke up. Kurt just sat there and stared at the two, "Are you guys leaving?" He questioned quietly. Rachel and Finn shared a look of guilt, "No, no, well.. not yet anyway" Rachel quickly reassured the boy. Kurt nodded slightly and looked down, "I understand if you guys want to leave, you must miss your family." He said smiling sadly at the couple, "we aren't leaving yet bud, but we think this book may be our way home." Finn explained, Kurt simply nodded his head, "I will miss you guys when you are gone", "And we will miss you too! But were aren't leaving just yet, we don't know when exactly, but we will tell when." Rachel told the small boy. "We are just waiting for the right time." she added. "Ok." was all that Kurt said in reply. Silence took over as the three sat there in thought, that was until Finn broke it, "So, changing the subject to a better topic, how was your day?" He asked the younger boy. A smile almost instantly appeared on little Kurt's face, " It was actually pretty good! I didn't see that mean boy at all today! and Blaine was extra crazy too, which is always really funny!" the small boy giggled, Finn chuckled and Rachel grinned, "I'm glad you had a good day Kurt." She smiled.

The next day was Saturday so Kurt didn't have to go to school. It was only 6 in the morning and Kurt was the only one awake out of the three, He quietly climbed out of his bed and carefully walked out of his room as silent as he could. Once he got out of his room without waking up Finn or Rachel, he wondered down the stairs, to the dining table and picked up the photo album that might be Finchels way home, Kurt had never seen the book before the couple mentioned it and he couldn't remember his mum or dad ever talking about a photo album. He then rushed back to his room and made himself comfortable on the floor with the book full of photo's and memories. He just stared at the photo on the cover, it was a photo of himself sandwiched between his mum and dad on the big blue couch that is in the lounge room. Kurt wiped away a tear that had fallen, he wanted his mummy back. after a few minutes looking at the cover of the photo album Kurt decided to open it and have a look. All of a sudden, just as Little Kurt opened to book the room started to spin and get blurry, and there was a humming sound coming from nowhere. As soon as everything stopped moving , Kurt let out a gasp, he wasn't in his room anymore. The boy looked around, shaking from fear, he seemed to be in a basement that was filled with boxes. Little Kurt went to take a step forward but quickly had to stop himself as he had nearly step on something that was placed on the floor. Kurt looked down at what he nearly trotted on, the floor was covered in abandoned photo albums, including the one that transported him there. "Where am -"' Before Little Kurt could say 'I' a voice from upsides interrupted him, "Finn! Rachel! I'm home!" Kurt started to panic, he quickly scrambled to the photo album that got him there and opened it, hoping it would transport him back, Luckily it did.

Rachel woke up to Kurt frantically shaking her, "Rachel! Rachel! wake up!" He begged. The girl groaned as she sat up, "Whats up?" Rachel asked still half asleep, "I will tell you once Finn's awake!

Soon Finn and Rachel were both fully awake and were seated on the bed next to each other, facing Kurt. "So what wrong?" Finn asked the freaked out looking boy. Kurt breathed in and started telling the couple what had just happened. "I just traveled through time .. I think" Kurt stated dramatically. Finn and Rachel's eyes connected both sharing a look of curiosity, "What? When? How?" Finn questioned, "I just opened the photo album and the room went all weird and then i found myself in a basement filled with boxes and photo albums!" Kurt explained. It was silent for a while until Rachel broke it, "Kurt I'm pretty sure you just traveled to the future, where Finn and I came from, and if this is correct, then we have just found out that this photo album is definitely our way home!"

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