chapter 2

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It was 10 o'clock when Finchel returned to the Hummel house; they decided they would stay with Kurt for the night as the boy was probably wondering where they had gone. When they were inside only Burt was awake, he was watching the TV with Kurt's mom asleep next to him. Rachel smiled; they looked like a cute couple. Finn and Rachel quickly walked down the hall to Kurt's room. When they entered, Kurt was asleep, curled up in a little ball and hugging a small teddy bear, Finn chuckled at the sight while Rachel pouted and kneeled down near the small boy. He looked so cute when he was asleep. Rachel looked up at Finn and gestured him to kneel next to her but then all of a sudden little Kurt jerked up quickly and looked around with wide eyes, "whoa buddy relax!" Finn put a hand on the small boys shoulder "your back!" Kurt whispered loudly and smiled but then the smile slowly faded and he frowned. "What's wrong?" Rachel questioned getting off her knees and sitting on the bed next to him, "where did you guys go?" little Kurt stared at Rachel with his big blue eyes. "Oh um" Finn started, getting Kurt's full attention "err we were just visiting someone" Finn grinned down at Kurt, "oh" was all Kurt replied. They sat there in a comfortable silence for a bit until Kurt broke it "I told my friend Blaine about you guys." He confessed. "Blaine?!" Rachel and Finn whispered loudly at the same time, "yeah! He wants to see if he can see you guys!" Kurt smiled, "Wait! Hold up buddy, is Blaine's last name Anderson?" Finn asked looking at Kurt curiously, "yeah! Do you guys know him?" Kurt smile grew wider. "Yeah, we know him from the future" Rachel smirked looking up at Finn, "That's cool, well he's coming over tomorrow! I wonder if he would be able to see you guys!" Kurt was basically jumping up and down in excitement, "well we'll have to see tomorrow! Now we need to find a place to sleep tonight." Rachel said as she got up and put her hands on her hips "I guess we are going to have to share the bed" little Kurt giggled.

The next morning Finn was the first to wake up, he got up, stretched his legs and turned to see Rachel hugging little Kurt, they were both still asleep. Finn smiled, he got his phone from in his pocket (which he only realised he had last night before they were going to sleep) and took a quick photo, he was totally going to show the older Kurt this when they return to future. Finn continued being the only one awake for a bit until Rachel started to stir, "good morning" Finn smiled. "Morning" Rachel yawned, "Did you have a nice sleep?" Rachel was about to reply but was cut off by Kurt making some tired sounding noise, the small boy sat up and rubbed his eyes. Rachel giggled at the sight of little Kurt, the poor thing looked like he was still half asleep, his night shirt was all crumpled up and his hair was all over the place. After sitting there staring into the distance for a few minutes Kurt seemed to have fully woken up and was looking at finchel, "good morning" he said sleepily, the couple laughed "Good morning Kurt" Rachel grinned. "You ready for another day at school kiddo!" Finn chuckled and Kurt just groaned as a reply.

At school as soon as Blaine saw Kurt he ran as fast as he could towards the boy and gave him the biggest hug. "Heeey Kurt!" Blaine smiled brightly, Kurt giggled, "hii!" he replied. "I'm SO excited to see your friends from the future!" Blaine jumped up and down "it's going to be totally awesome!" he added, Kurt had to laugh at his friend's excitement "yeah, I really hope you can see them!" Kurt replied as they started walking to class.

After School, Kurt waited outside the exit for Blaine (as they were in different classes), it took about 5 minutes for Blaine to arrive and as soon as he did he gave Kurt the biggest hug. "Heey Blaine!" Kurt hugged back, "Heey!"

"You ready to go?" Kurt Questioned "yep!" Blaine replied.

The two boys walked over to where Kurt's mom was standing, Kurt ran to hug her as a greeting while Blaine gave her one of his biggest smiles, "Hello Boys" She smiled and lead them towards to car.

"Finn! Kurt's going to return home from school any minute now! Get out of the bathroom!" Rachel demanded. "But Rach, I cant!" he whined.

Rachel huffed, "Why not?!" she crossed her arms, " c-cause… Because I'm pooping." He blurted out. Rachel scrunched up her nose, "Ew Finn!" she shook her in disgust and walkd away from the bathroom door. "What? Rachel its normal! Everybody poops!"

"yeah but they don't tell anyone!"

"well what was I meant to tell you?!"

"I don't know!"


They were silent for a moment and then Rachel sighed, "Whatever."

After a few more minutes Kurt and his friend Blaine finally arrived "Heey Rachel! This is my friend Blaine, Blaine this is Rachel my 'FFTF' ." Blaine looked at Rachel and gasped "OMG I can see her!" Blaine squealed. Rachel laughed for a bit but then frowned "Wait 'FFTF'? what does that mean?" she questioned.

"Uhh, it means 'Friend From The Future' Duurrhh!" Kurt explained as if it was a common fact. "Oh… Right!" Rachel chuckled, then looked over to Blaine and had to chuckle again, Blaines hair looked hilarious! It was like a mini shrub! "What?" Blaine asked curiously. "I love your hair!" Rachel reached over and ruffled his hair making Blaine giggle.

Then they heard to toilet flush and saw Finn walk out of the bathroom. "FINN!" Kurt jumped up and hugged him "That's Blaine!" Kurt pointed at the other boy. "HI!" Blaine said enthusiastically, but instead of replying Finn laughed. "your hair looks SO much different in the future!" he grinned.

Blaine gasped. "The future! You know me in the future!" The small boy squeaked, Finn just smirked and nodded as a reply. For the rest of the afternoon they talked, told stories, played and even had a tea party, which little Kurt and Blaine said was their favourite thing to do. It was a fun afternoon, and Rachel and Finn were definitely going to tell the future Kurt about it.

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