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Jeremy's POV

I knew the risk of being here, inside his house. But I can't let him live like this, he doesnt know how much he is worth it.

He doesn't know even who he is. Hell I don't even know. Not that much anyways.

" you want anything to drink" He asked me.

"Im good...thanks" I sat down on one of the couches he had, it was a dark blue, soft and comfortable couch.

I could sleep on this all day.

Mark stood in the kitchen, I could hear him arguing with himself, talking as if there was somebody there.

Moments later he walked into the living room, and stood at the foot of the door...he looked up at me and smiled then slowly asked...

"So why aren't you at home" the smile I had faded, and I looked down...I can't tell him.

No I'll tell him, but only what happened before I was send away. It's hard to understand.

"I dont have a home" I whispered. I was still looking down at my shoes, man I didn't even know my shoes were that fascinating.

I could hear footsteps coming my way. The floor of the trailer creaked under his weight with every step that he took.

My breath got caught in my throat as he set beside me and hugged me.

"Do you want to talk know" he said after letting me go, I missed his warm touch immediately.

What is wrong with me today. I should focus, not think about his touch.

"You dont have to...its just I got kicked out a few months ago too, My mom and sister thought I was a freak and that I am dangerous..."

He quickly stopped knowing he could not talk to much about his gift, he had to be careful who he trusted with that.

Just becasue I know about him doesn't mean he has to tell me about his life story.

He doesn't know, I know.

But I can tell him a little about mine so he does start trusting me. Even if it's a step by step process.

"I can tell you, but not in full detail"

He nodded and turned his head facing me, I took a deep breath and went back to the time when I was little...

"It was a long time ago, times were different, people were different...I was in the 5th grade.

I was weak. I got bullied a lot and kids pushed me around...teachers back then didn't really pay much attention to what they did to me.

They only cared about if students will graduate, if they pay attention in class, and anything else didn't really matter.

It was close to summer, and everyone was outside playing, most of them were out in the field playing soccer, it was a big deal in our school and only the best ever made the team...

I was lonely so I asked if I could play, and they laughed. One of them kicked the ball straight into my gut.

I fell to the ground and pressed my hands against my stomach cause I was in so much pain.

The ball was in front of me, so one of them had to come get it.

But no one dared to, so I stood up and noticed how far away I was from the the net, far away from everyone, for some reason that is a major detail.

The guy who shot the ball was the goal keeper the best in our school, no one in our grade, plus the other schools ever scored on him, he had an older brother who was in grade 12 and one that already graduated.

Both were very kind and also football stars, but ever since their parents split up and his mother died in a car crash the boy was never the same, he ignored his brothers and bullied everyone for the fun of it.

Anyways, I'm getting of topic.

So I stood there with the ball at my feet, I looked at him and he smiled wickedly, around me the kids laughed and a circle was forming around me, anger was boiling through my veins.

I could hear him say "if you can kick from there, into the goal we will let you play"

He got ready for me to kick, he bended his legs like for every game but in a weak position because he knew I could not do it.

Well he thought I could not do it.

I closed my eyes and breathed then when I opened them back up everything went into a slow motion pace, I kicked and ball it went flying and aiming for the net.

When it reached it slammed right into him sending him flying towards the fence. The net broke and everyone starred at me, I got suspended and I was forced to never speak of it again.

When I was in high school, I saw the boy again, he stayed away from me but every time our paths crossed he called me a freak, It really didnt help when I came out as gay...

The things turned out badly for my family after I found out a secret...anyways..."

Mark was at his small window when I looked up, I couldnt finish telling, it was all to of a bad memory, I skipped a lot of detail but the main piont was of how and why I don't live anywhere, not that that was the major point of why I am here, but Mark looked at me as if he understood my point.

If only he new that this was in 1912, he will freak, well he is not human so why bother freaking out right.

Well he doesn't know that either...oh this is a disaster.

As I thought that, Marks expression changed he starred at me as if he read my mind, I would be so screwed if he did.

Wait he can't read minds...can he?

"I better get going" I stood up and walked to the door but something grabbed me by the arm and yanked me back.

"Stay, if you dont have anywhere to go, just can live here with me"

I felt like he was begging me, and I knew this was wrong this wasn't the reason why I was here, I had something to do, but that was long forgotten as I looked him in the eyes and nodded.

It was a quiet night, peaceful, I was lying on the couch when I woke to someone whispering my name.

I stood and looked into the bright light that shone from my old...old...old friend.

"Jeremiah what on the devils name do you think you are doing...sleeping on the job"

I covered my eyes for a bit before I got used to the light.

The angel that was over a thousand years old starred down at me like god, he was the boss of me or at least he thinks he is and I knew that he gave me a task, a mission and I'm sleeping.

I do need my rest though.

"Samuel...Hi it's nice to see you too"


What a twist right...comment vote please

Ill update again soon, before school starts I will at least have five more chapters....I hope

Burn of a Supernatural (BoyxBoy) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now