Chapter 10

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(I am aware that anything created by the characters may not be in chronological order regarding what may have happened in real life to do with Brian and jeordie, it's all just part if the story)

It was the day Brian could leave that stupid hospital. I had left the hospital last night as the nurse had advised that it was best so we didn't disturb the patients, however, she had also insisted it was for my own sake and was 'good to be in my own bed'.

I was told the night before that he would be discharged at around lunch time, so I made my breakfast (grilled cheese) and turned on some TV. It was full of miserable news stories over and over. Babbling about sex, violence, anything. I started to have weird deep thoughts from then until I reached the hospital, which never really happened. Sitting with my heavy boots resting on the seat beside me, I was thinking about how all these pointless stories, even lyrics were just made to make money, anything could be put out there in order to become rich. I wanted to mock this.

The hospital always seemed much nicer in the daytime. I loved hospitals as a child, we would be there most of the time, what, with my mum's mental health record. I was that 10 year old with the blonde, girl's wig on that used to run around to other wards to talk to random people about their schizophrenia, or their Asperger's syndrome, or the severe OCD that ruined their childhood. My favourite people were the broken people, the ones who knew more about dealing with life than anyone.

Anyway, I had to tell Brian about my idea. He talked to the nurses, was discharged and I started rambling on. He seemed amused but not really persuaded.

"You want to write a song together?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I've been thinking and I would find it funny. Your poetry is so clever so I thought you'd be able to help me. I already have ideas, I was thinking about how people babble on and on and-" Brian put his finger over my lips to shut me up.

"Okay." He laughed. "I'll have a shower, pee, and then I will think of something, I guarantee it. Plus, I wrote a song recently and I'm on a roll, baby."

"You wrote a song? You never told me." I said, eager to hear what he would say next.

"I did, but I don't want to tell you the lyrics just yet. Okay, I'm gonna go and have a shower, I'll be out in like ten minutes." Brian said, kissing my forehead and grabbing a towel.

I grabbed my bass and started playing. I always had random ideas that just came to me instantly but I liked this. It was kinda different and I liked it. The most adorable mumbling came from the shower as Brian was singing. And wow, he could sing, I mean really sing. His voice was so unique and beautiful. I can't believe I'd never heard him sing properly before, I'm glad I had now.

It was pretty hard to make out the words he was saying under all the muffly, shower-y sounds, but I could hear the words 'babble', 'sex' and 'violence'. He was already writing a song? Wow.

The shower stopped but he continued singing.

"Babble babble, bitch bitch, rebel rebel, party party, sex, sex, sex and don't forget the violence, blah blah blah, got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely, stick your stupid slogan in everybody sing along."

Had he seriously just written that in 10 minutes? I gave him 3 words that stood out, told him an idea, and he had already written a couple of verses for song.

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