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"Frankie!" He would have jumped any bullet that would try to graze her body but what he saw reminded him that maybe she really doesn't need any protection.

"Liam, go back here behind the trees. I'll cover for you." Francesca was leaning on a tree with a small case of miniature Shuriken blades on her left hand and a small hand gun on the other. She was firing at the men behind Liam as he was frozen on the spot staring at her. When he realized what was happening, he moved quickly.

"I should be covering for you." He ran towards her as she shot at the men that tried to approach him or shoot at them. She was fast. Her fires never missed to hit her mark. She targeted the enemies hand, leg or feet and made sure they would fall and drop their gun. How the hell did she get a gun?

"We both know I am better with guns than you are." She smirked and he almost laughed. They were always trying to outdo each other during firing range training and they were always tied.

"Save your bullets. Where did you get a gun?"

"Of course I have a gun like you. It's a shame my bag is in your car. I have bullets in there." He looked at her agape and she smiled. "What? Do you think I carry makeup on my bag? Of course not! I carry ammo. My father refrained me from bringing grenades. I wished I strapped one somewhere then we could be out of here in no time." He really has to get to know her more.

"I wonder where the hell are the security team." Two men stupidly ran towards them and they both shot the one nearest them at the exact same time. They make a great team.

"With all the shootings, I bet they'll be here in a few minutes. Let me have my fun and throw blades at them. But before that, could you cover for me. I have to remove my shoes." She was sexy as hell when she bent down and unstrapped her heels. If Liam didn't have to look out for enemies, he would have removed the shoes himself so he would have an excuse to touch her slender legs. He cursed inwardly. He's doing it again, getting distracted by her presence. He focused on firing at the shoulder, arm and leg of the men that approached them.

"I don't think they're here to kill us. They keep on firing at the wrong direction. It seems like they're really scared to approach."

"I figured that too. That's why we have to stop them from advancing. They're here to take us and not hurt us. But I will never be taken hostage again ever." He remembered what his father told him. She was found at Pablo Diaz's estate. Was she kidnapped? He would ask her in another time.

"My bullets are almost out. Here, take this." He took the other gun strapped on his leg and handed it to Frankie but she refused.

"I'll use my blades. I miss throwing to a moving object that will shout in pain." She said that and then winked at him. He had to admit that he was very amused and so turned on with her antics.

"Remind me that I will kiss you senseless once we're out of this mess." She looked taken aback but she recovered immediately. She raised one brow at him and then threw one of her shoes on their right. Three men ran towards the movement and she did not waste time in throwing her shuriken blades. She threw the ninja stars and surely, it ripped the enemies exposed flesh. She targeted their arm and they were soon howling in pain and trying to stop their arms from bleeding.

"Nice throw. Mind if I try it too?" She smirked and handed him one star. It was smaller than usual but with the same weight, probably to ensure that her throw will still be precise no matter what the size. She used her other shoe to lure the enemies to where he would throw the blades and four men ran towards the movement. He waited for the right time when they were all lined up like what Frankie did and with his right hand throw, the sharp stars grazed the four men's pants and underneath, their skin.

"Show off." She whispered and he laughed. He was trying to show off and he's glad she figured.

"We have few bullets left and two more blades." She was checking the guns when their guards arrived. He breathed a sigh of relief as he saw his security team gathering the enemies with guns pointed at their skull.

"Wow. We have more than twenty guards?" Her voice was a mixture of irritation and amusement.

"Actually we have only six. Four for you and two for me. They may have called for backup." He took the blades from her hand and placed them back on it's case. He collected the guns and put them all inside the pocket of his coat. 

"Take them to the HQ. I'll meet you there." He instructed Boris, his head of security when he approached.

"Yes, Boss. The car is waiting for you where you were dropped off. We'll take care of this. Boss, here. We found some paparazzis and were chasing them for the films when you were attacked." Boris handed him five cameras and three cellphones in a small bag. Liam looked at Frankie and they both knew what was recorded inside.

"Are you sure these are all?"

"Yes, Boss."

"Good. Call me when they're ready. Clean up the mess here."

"Already on it, Boss." When he left, she smirked at him and whispered in his ear.

"Wow. Boss? I thought you were the Sir kind of guy." He shook his head then took her hand.

"Let's go." He pulled her and they were only walking a few paces when he remembered she was barefooted. "Oh, I forgot you don't have shoes." He lifted her effortlessly bridal style and her arms wound automatically at his nape.

"You forgot another thing. Should I remind you?" She said in a teasing voice.

"Believe me, I remember. But let's wait until we're at the car. We don't know if there are any other paparazzis around." He couldn't believe that he was saying that to her face. The cat is out of the bag, they both knew what he wanted and he was hell bent in claiming it.

Liam, with hurried steps retraced their steps and in no time arrived in front of his limo. The driver was already waiting and opened the door when he saw them approaching. Liam nodded his head at him and he deposited Frankie at the long cushioned chair before getting in himself. Once the door was closed, she did not waste any second into reminding him what he asked her to. It was by far, their hottest and most urgent consensual make out session. Liam did not hold back as he ravished her lips, making her moan as his hand travelled her legs, from her calves to her thighs. He felt the straps she used for her blades and gun that were dangerously close to her underwear. He cursed as he found her sexier knowing that she's loaded and prepared for battle anytime.

"Woah. Not too fast, cowboy." She moaned as his hand grazed her core. She held his hand and placed them on her back, then she switched positions and straddled him instead of being underneath.


"We are in the car remember?" He did it again, he got lost in her kisses.

"Then why the hell are we still here?" He tapped the window and the driver got in. They must have been making a lot of noise that he realized they needed privacy. Once the driver's door was shut, the car got moving. Frankie laid on top of his chest while still straddling him. He knew she could feel his bulge pressing on her and would have just dry humped her if it was his call, but he knew it was not the right time and place.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"We're going back to the penthouse and you can remind me again." He's a dead man when his father and godfather finds out what he's doing to Frankie but he doesn't care. Ten years was enough punishment for what he did on her sixteenth birthday. He would conquer all the odds even his parents and hers as long as he could make her stay with him, like this on his arms.



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