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"Do you really have to dress like that?!" Francesca smiled when he furiously whispered in her ear while he stared down every men that looked her way at the lobby of his building. They were walking side by side with their bodyguards in tow. Liam appointed three of his security team to look after her whenever she was not with him and this did not go well with her. When he told her that she would be with security escorts, she quickly went back to her room and changed her outfit. From a conservative blue business suit, she donned a black fitted dress that hang low on her front and have a geometrical pattern that exposed her back. It was long, a Serpentina cut that molded to show the perfect curves of her body.

"I just felt like dressing up to welcome myself in your office." Liam groaned and she smiled in response. He took her elbow and almost dragged her to the elevator that leads to his office. When the door opened, he signaled for the guards to stay behind. He pressed the button for the top floor. The elevator door hasn't fully closed yet when he pushed her and pressed her at the corner of the stainless steel box. She gasped when his hands gently cupped her face so she would look at him. With the heels she was wearing, they were almost of the same height. His eyes were scorching and she wondered if it is from anger or something else and that thought excited her.

"I don't know what you're planning to do, Frankie, but I'm warning you. You are not allowed to talk to any man on this building or in this god-damned city or in this freaking planet without my permission as long as you're under my care. When I say any, I mean everyone!"

She pushed her luck. She encircled her arms on his neck and pulled him closer to her. Making sure that he could smell her breath and their noses were just inches from touching. The effect was liberating. She could feel from the way their bodies were pressed that his heart rate doubled just like her own.

"You are more protective for an older brother, Liam. Alejandro doesn't even limit my social encounters with anyone especially, men." His eyes darkened if ever that is possible as he pressed his body more firmly to her. She felt something hard poking on her thigh. She gasped and his eyes focused on her parted lips.

"You know I have never been your brother, Frankie. A brother would never do this to his sister." He pressed the emergency button then leaned closer to capture her waiting lips. His kiss was punishing and raw. He angled their faces so his tongue could probe deeper inside her mouth. He bit and nipped her upper and lower lip like he was branding her as his. Frankie's knees buckled from the intensity of his kisses and only his hard body pressed on hers kept her from falling. Her hands wounded on his scalp and nape while his hands roamed the bare skin of her back as he pulled her to him when they switched places. She moaned his name and that's when the magic ended. He exhaled as he gently moved her to his side. He fixed her dress that hiked up because of him. He groaned when he noticed her breasts with it's peaks evident. Liam took off his jacket and made her wear it. She was still reeling with their kiss and she couldn't think clearly. He checked her lips probably for smudged make up but she didn't wear any because of the lack of time. She just dabbed some cherry lip balm before they headed out. When he was sure they were both presentable, he pressed the button that would continue their ascent to the top floor where his office is located. He took her hand and pulled her to walk beside him when the elevator opened.

All the staff that they passed by greeted Liam good morning while he just gave them a stiff nod. From their wide eyes and opened mouths, they looked shocked to see him holding hands with a woman wearing his coat. They entered the office of the CEO at the end of the hallway. There was a woman sitting on the table who looked up from her laptop when they entered the room.

"Good morning, Sir Liam and Ms.?"

"Cellia, this is my godsister Francesca Garcia." He put too much emphasis on the word sister and she had to cringe. His voice still seemed irritated and he was still masking a frown. "She will be working here as my personal assistant. Teach her how to work the machines and to handle my schedules."

"Surely, sir."

Liam briefly looked at Frankie before he let go of her hand and went inside another door with his name on it. She was left standing in front of Cellia's table wondering what the hell happened.

"He really has the ability to make you wonder what the hell happened, right?" She turned her head at the beautiful woman probably in her forties. Cellia squinted her eyes probably to look at her more closely.

"I'll call the assets department to put in another table for you." That was when Liam peeked from his office.

"Cellia, her table should be here inside my room."

"Right on it, boss!" He went back inside without even a glance at Frankie who seem to be regaining her ability to think as the minutes passed.

"Francesca, while I'm calling the assets department, why don't you go to the pantry to make some coffee for Liam? It's just in the next room beside ours."

"Please call me Frankie. Would you want one as well?"

"No dear, of course not. You're serving him and not me. I'm okay." Cellia smiled at her and she felt at ease. Maybe her first day at work would not be as bad as she thought it would be. Frankie removed Liam's jacket before she left the room. She heard a soft chuckle and said "Now I know why he's pissed." from Cellia when she saw her dress.

"Frankie, you may want to wear that coat or else Liam would storm out of his room when he sees you." Frankie's forehead creased in confusion and Cellia continued, "He has eyes everywhere. He can view all parts of this floor with his cellphone."

Frankie groaned but still did not wear the coat. She would give him a hard time and she would start now. She went out of the room and to the pantry. Because bad luck is always on her side, there were two men inside the room waiting for the coffee to brew in the two high end coffee makers. The effect of her dress on them were evident with the way they blatantly stared at her chest. She wanted to piss Liam off but not to the extent that he would punch other people, so she ignored them and stayed at the farthest side of the pantry to wait for the coffee. She took one of the mugs there and waited. She kept her back at the two men.

"Miss, are you new here? We haven't seen you before." She cursed as she felt one of the men walked closer and she felt them staring at her bare back and probably feasting at looking at her ass. She pitied them for their fate.

"And you will never see her again. Don't wait for coffee. You are both fired!"  Francesca knew that it would happen even before it did and it made her smile.

"But Sir—" He looked at the two men with his signature tiger look that said, this is my prey go find yours. They scampered off the room like kittens.

"Come on, let's go get coffee somewhere else while we shop for your clothes." He covered her back with his coat but she removed it.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing? They seem to be enjoying it." He placed the jacket back on her shoulder and firmly held her arm so she would not remove the added layer of clothing.

"That's what's wrong! Nobody should be looking at you." He stared at her lividly and she had to smirk at him.

"Aside from you?" He groaned and pulled her out of the room. "What about your meetings? Don't you have some today?"

"I fvcking cancelled all of them! Come on, Francesca. Don't make me say it twice. Besides, we'll be leaving for Australia tomorrow. I checked with your father and he said you can go."

She knew her father would not interfere with her this time. It was part of their deal. She felt relieved that she's starting to get into Liam's skin and gain his attention, which are some of her goals when she agreed to stay with him.

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