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I started to wake up as I looked around me and I found Lylan, Jamie and Erong sleeping they looked too peaceful I started to stand up I looked at Jamie and started waking her up

"Jamie! Jamie! Wake up!" i said

"What...." She said

"Wake up! let's go get my mobile!" I said

"Not now...." she said opening her eyes

"Omg Vicky the sun is not even up yet!" She said

"I know, it's 5:37 am " I said

"Ugh can't u get it in the morning?!?!" she said

"I don't want someone to see us!" I said

"Ugh alright" she said

"Yay! thank youuuu " I said as I gave her a hug

"Hmph....." She said as I let go

As we started to walk through the forest

"I'm hungry...." I said

"Just like always! Since a food lover alway a food lover" she said

" I miss drinking coffee in the morning and eating waffles and pancakes..., I miss my normal life..." I said

"Yeah...." she said

"Let's run! " I said

"No I am lazy" she said

"Come on please" I said pouting and doing puppy eyes

"No!" she said

As I continued my puppy eyes

"Pwetty Pweeaaase" I said with my puppy eyes

"Fine..." she finally said

"Thank you!!!" I said as I have her a hug

"Alright as a tiger or a normal person?" She asked

" I think .... as a person..., I miss my P.E session when I used to run after the girl who I was supposed to catch and I was the fastest ones! don't ya remember all these beautiful days....." I said

"Yeah...." she said


"Come on Victoria!!! catch her!!!!" said my team

As I kept on running fast and faster I was running after Ariana she is a great runner but I was faster I ran very fast until I was beside her and hopefully I caught her

"Haha you are not fast anymore Ari " I said as I let out a laugh

"Okay stand in your place girl!" The P.E teacher shouted

*flashback ends*

" I miss Ari too... " I said

"Yeah..." she said

"Okay! let's run after .. three... two... one ! RUN!!!!" I said as we started running very fast and I passed Jamie she was too slow and she can't even run more than 5 min. she is not a sporty girl

She can only run as a tiger not a human being

I stopped running looking after me as I saw Jamie she was so far I waited for her until she came and stopped running as she fell on the floor

"I am so tired!" she said

" We are so near...." I said

As she looked through the forest

"Not really we will have to pass the wolves' place" she said

"And that would be ea- "I was cut off by her as she said

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