The Full Tiger

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I started running to get out of the forest as Lylan was on my back. i atarted to get tired so i thought about turning to a Tiger and run it would be faster and easier....

I kept running very fast but then i found a lynx it was a big ones ... i started to walk backwards.....

No! I am not ready for a fight I can't fight like this and he is on my back i musg save hkm not to fight!. I started to run very fast and the lynx runned after me and it reached me and jumped over me causing me to fall... as Lylan fell off me...

The Lynx was about to attack him but I started growling at The Lynx I moved Lylan's body away so he won't get hurt.

And I kept growling at The Lynx until it moved backwards and ran away....

"What a coward" Victoria said

I started to feel that there is something watching me and i kept looking for it when i turned around I found Erong. He is bigger than me and stronger I think that's what made The Lynx Run.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I followed you" He answered

"Why?! I don't need help I could have done anything alone!"I shouted

"No you can't you are not full yet" He said

"What do you mean?"I asked

"You must be like Lylan to be a Full Tiger" He said

"What do you mean like Lylan?"I asked

"Lylan was like you a day before but all these years he was turned to a Tiger Forever then until you were borned he was a Full Tiger. A full Tiger is a Tiger who never dies and will heal even if he have the biggest cut . it will heal in only one day and that means that now he is Ok."He said

"That's Why he said that i should take him to a doctor..."I said

I looked At Lylan but I didn't find him be was lying on a tree now he is gone! did The Lynx eat him?!?! I will go look for him now...

"Where is Lylan?" I asked

"The Lynx Took him" He said

"And you did nothing to save him?!?!?!?!?

"He won't Need it"He said

As an Earthquake came I started to un control my movments a tree was about to fall so i went under it but I forgot about Erong I Started shouting for him to come but he didn't hear me. As a tree was about to hit him in the head I went ober him and stopes the tree. It was so heavy I couldn't take it anymore. But He kept Stand still. I didn't know what to do.... What shoud I do?!

I threw the tree away with all my strenth and took Erong on mt back and I startd running until we were away from it. Then We saw a big great Tiger even bigger than Erong I think.... This is Lylan.....

He looks so beautiful his fur is so soft and the black strips are as if they are made by a painter... it was coloured perfectly.... he looked amazing

"Lylan" I said

"Yes" He said with his deep voice

"You are a full Tiger...." I said as i kept a smile on my face

"Yes I know Isn't it Great!" and now he talked with his normal voice full of fun and cheers

"Yup" I said giving him a wide smile

"Let's go home. it's getting dark" Erong said

"Come on" Lylan said

"Can we go" I said

"Meet the Lynx" Lylan said

"pleeeease" we both said as we made our puppy eyes

"oh come on you know I can't get over these eyes they are so cute" Erong said

"please" i said

"ok only for the night" Erong said

Me and Lylan started jumping around like idiots until Erong left. It was fun being with him. he was my first Tiger friend.

"Finally He left!" i said

"Yeah" he said with a little laugh

"Let's go to human lol" I said

"Ok" He said

We turned Human as We started laughing together

"Wanna hear a joke?" I asked

"Sure" he said

" Why didn't the Chicken cross the road?!" I said

"why?" He said

"Cause I ate it hahaha" I said with a huge laugh

as we both laughed more together

"Oh here is the end of the forest!" I said

"Victoria Let's go home" He Said

"Why! the place is amazing. Oh and this is my house!" I said

"Victoria come here don't move" he said

As a little tiny Golden dog jumped over us it was so cute I started Playing with it with a little piece off wood and I kept patting it

"Aww it's so cute!" I said

"It is not what you think Victoria it is a Dog! I hate dogs!" he said

" aww come on it's cute" I said

"Let's go home I am tierd" i said as I yawned

"Ok" he said

As we Turned to a Cheetah and runned very fast faster than light

"Haha I am faster than you!" i shouted

"No you are not" He said as he jumped over me and started tickling me

"Stop! Stop! Lylan Stop tickling me it is annoying! i never got tickled! only by my brother omg you can tickle me Omg i can't take it angmore STOP TICKLING ME ...  my brother's name was Lylan too but he is dead..." I said as he stopped tickling me as he looked like as if he felt me....

"Victoria that's my sister's name too.... I left her for this I loved her so much...... vicky can I tell you something?" He said

"My brother used to call me that..." I mumbled

"What?" He said

" Yes what is it?" I said

"You are my sister..." he said

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