the training place

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It looks like it is going to be a long day.


I went into the training place with tina it was full of Tigers. They had scars on there faces and body and were training once i got in they all stared at me ....

"Hello everyone this is Victoria and she is a new Tiger." Tina said

"Hey" i said

"And how are we going to trust her?" a tiger said in a sarcastic way as everyone laughed

"she is not strong enough haha" he said as the other tigers laughed more

"Shut up Erong" Tina shouted at the tiger

Now i actually know his name

"haha are you going to stand up for the little cub?haha" said Erong as they all laughed

Tina runned over Erong and jumped over the rocks until she was near him and jumped over him and putted her claw over his neck

"She is going to start training today and i need someone to train her and you will be it" Tina said

"aww come on i train men not cubs !"

Eragon said

"then you must be killed! you know we all accept everyone we never rejected someone even if it was not a man! rhia girl is powerful she was a human and I turned her and that means she knows more about them! but now she must get trained and learn our life and how we live!" Tina shouted

"But I can't !" Eragon

"Then you die!" Tina said

Tina sank her claws into his skin as he started screaming in pain

"Wait!... don't kill him!" I shouted

Tina got her claws off as she looked at me

"What?!" She said as she walked down the rocks

"I said don't kill him" I said

"and Why?!?!" She said

"cause if you killed him you will lose a powerful Tiger thats can help you in destroying your enemys " I said

"You are right" She said

"huh?" the crowd said

"Tina never accepted someone's argue!" a tiger said

"I know Lylan but she is really right qe need him in our war" Tina said

ok now i know another tiger

"Wait... Tina ... what war?" I asked

"The war between us and a human like you" She said

"What!" I said

"Not everyone I mean the hunter That was about to kill us all" Tina said

"oh... I know a way to gt rid of him!" I said

"What is it ?" Tina said

"we will only need to.........."

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