What I Don't Like About TMNT Fanfics

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(Sorry I know that pic ^^ is awful 😭😭)

I love the ninja turtles. I have since the first time I watched the 2012 tv show, and my love for those mutants has only grown since then. For Pete's sake, I'm working on a fanfic series about them!

Anyway, I knew I had reached a new level of fangirlism when I joined Wattpad earlier this year solely for the purpose of reading TMNT fan fiction. Let's just say, that didn't last real long and now I rarely read TMNT fanfics.

Why? Oh, you're going to regret asking that...

REASON #1–BAD WRITING (this applies to Wattpad in general)

The writing is bad. I'm not even trying to be mean, it's just a fact. It seems like most fanfics have been written by people who seem to lack knowledge of the most basic conventions of written English. Either that, or they just. Don't. Proofread. Which is a MAJOR pet peeve of mine.


Why? Just...why!?!? They're brothers! This is DISGUSTING! What is WRONG with you?

This brings me to my next two reasons:


Say it with me: The ninja turtles are not gay. Leo is not gay. Raph is not gay. Donnie is not gay. Mikey is not gay.

I'm sick of people taking straight characters and making them gay. Just don't do it. If you want a gay character, make an OC.


I just don't like reading smut. So yeah.


One of the most annoying things I've encountered in fan fiction is 'x Readers'. I want a name, not (y/n) (which I read as 'Yano'), thank you very much. It's okay if (y/n) is only in there every once in a while, but even then it's annoying.


It would be extremely hard for two short-tempered people to maintain a lasting and successful relationship. It would be better if Raph was paired with somebody who is calm and even-tempered and can put up with a lot and talk him down when he gets mad. But she also needs to be assertive so she can hold her own against him.


Oh no, I'm an average New York girl who got attacked by the Purple Dragons/the Foot Clan in an alley for absolutely no reason and now the turtles just happen to be there to save me.

Does it get more predictable and cliché? Come up with some new ideas, please!


A girl is not going to miraculously and drastically change any of the boys' personalities. It just doesn't happen like that. At some point, Raph's temper is going to flare up with his new girl. Leo is going to be bossy and act like he knows best. Mikey is still going to be a goofball and will get on his girlfriend's nerves. Donnie will still devote ridiculous amounts of time to his experiments/projects and accidentally end up neglecting his girl at times. Nobody's perfect, and a relationship doesn't change that fact.


If a human really stumbled across four mutant turtles, they're going to freak out. Deep down, all of y'all fangirls know it. We might love them, but *whispers* they're not real. You would be scared if you were confronted by them in real life. April's reaction in the 1990 movie is more appropriate than most of what's in fanfics because she screams and tries to get away. (It's also kinda funny.)

There's more, but these are the main things that make me want to beat my head on a table.

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