Dream Bit 1

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I stood by the glass window of the viewing area, staring at the darkness beyond as I fiddled with the skirt of my lilac-colored dress. People milled around me, the rustling of their suits and long evening gowns covered by the buzz of dozens of conversations.

I noticed the reflection of a handsome young Asian man heading my way and turned toward him, feeling myself blush slightly as I tried to conceal the wide grin that I wanted to give him. I met his gaze for a second before turning to his mother and younger teenage sister, who had followed him through the crowd.

I nodded respectfully to his mother then said to the girl, "Wow, you look gorgeous!"

She smiled bashfully as she glanced down at her scarlet dress. The bodice clung to her perfect, slim waist. The skirt was made of sparkly tulle that reached her ankles, stopping just high enough to expose her two-inch silver heels.

"Thank you," she murmured. "You look really pretty too."

I touched one of the jeweled pins tucked into my hair to make sure it was still in place. "Thanks."

Her mother exchanged glances with her son, then flashed me a knowing smile. "Come on, darling," she said to her daughter. "Let's go get some punch."

I watched as she led the girl away, then turned to the boy. He gave me a tiny, crooked smile that made my heart skip a beat, then held out his hand. I took it, and without a word, he led me through the crowd.

Everybody stared at us as we headed towards the dance floor. But neither of us even noticed.


Leave a comment and tell me why you think people are staring, who the characters are, etc.! Also, if you liked this, don't forget to vote!

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