Dream Bit 3

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So...I'm not really sure what happened with this dream. Thankfully, though, it was just a dream, so I don't have to deal with the guilt I would feel due to my Christian beliefs if this actually happened in real life *sigh of relief*. It was crazy-vivid, though. (Don't worry the whole thing is pretty G-rated lol)


I stared mindlessly out the window as my mom drove me along the same route we had taken millions of times before. As we stopped at an intersection, something ahead caught my eye, and I turned my attention to it.

On the corner of the intersection stood a ginormous black sign, easily ten feet tall. The bold white text on it read: "AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE (ASL) CLASSES NOW AVAILABLE AT VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE. SIGN UP TODAY!"

ASL classes, I mused, recalling the conversation I had with one of my acquaintances when I ran into him at the grocery store a week ago. He had said that he was going to sign up for those ASL classes this fall, and since I was already going to be attending Valley to get an associate's degree in elementary education, maybe I could take them too. It was something that I'd wanted to do for a while now.

I pulled my phone out of my purse and scrolled through my contacts list until I found his name. Liam Morris. He had given me his number a while back through Facebook Messenger because he was going to quit Facebook for good, but, due to the fact that I didn't really know him well, I had hesitated to text him, thereby giving him my phone number. Whether that was a social anxiety thing or a paranoia thing, I wasn't sure.

Before I could change my mind, I fired off a text:

ME: Hey, didn't you say you were going to take that ASL class at Valley?

To my surprise, he responded immediately.

LIAM: Hi! Yeah, I already signed up!

Are you going to? It would be cool to actually know somebody there.

ME: I think so.

~~~(Time skip. Not sure how much time, but I guess that at this point, Liam and I are dating. I don't know. It was kinda weird.)~~~

I was lounging on my couch, watching TV, when I heard a knock on the front door. I hopped up and answered it, and there stood Liam. He was tall and lanky and had on a pair of the dorkiest glasses I had ever seen. He was, dare I say it, positively adorkable.

"Hey! Come in," I said, vaguely remembering inviting him over to my house for some reason.

He smiled shyly and pushed a hand through his blond hair as he stepped inside. "Hey."

We settled on the couch and watched a movie, keeping the volume low because my dad was napping in his bedroom, which was adjacent to the living room.

After a while, I began to feel really tired. All those nights of inadequate sleep were really taking their toll on me, I guess.

I laid my head down on one of the many throw pillows my mom had bought with a long, silent yawn. Liam glanced down at me and gently ran his fingers through my curly hair, and I sighed contentedly as I began to drift off.

I felt like I had only been fading in and out of consciousness for a few moments when I felt a blanket being draped across me and--

I opened my eyes blinked at Liam, who was now laying on the couch next to me with his shirt off. When did he take his shirt off?

"What're you doin'?" I mumbled, my heart thudding nervously.

"Shh," he said, pulling me into his arms and rubbing my back. Despite the anxious morals debate that had sprung up in my head, I could feel my body start to relax almost immediately. "It's okay, just rest. You don't get enough sleep."

I meant to protest, to push him away, to tell him no, this isn't okay. Instead, though, my eyes began to close. I tried to fight my exhaustion, but...I was so, so tired, and he was so warm, and it felt so nice to just be held. Lacking the energy to utter a word, I laid my forehead on his bare chest and fell asleep right away, the comforting thump-thump of his heart echoing in my ears.


Now, I know what you're thinking. "Nikki, you're such a prude! Why would you feel guilty about this in real life? Nothing even happened!"

To that, I would shrug and say, "Welp. Guess I'm a prude. Sue me."

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