Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter - You’ll Be The Last To Know

Rein’s Pov

All I can remember is the searing pain it wasn’t the pain of being beaten and bruised to the point of death no it was a burning pain that made me think that the blood flowing through my veins was replaced by acid that was slowly killing me. I also remembered bits and pieces scenes that played like an old film, I remember Rowan leaning over me whispering that he loved me but after that all I remember is white.

At first I thought I had died and that I was going to the pearly white gates of heaven, but the white never ended and time passed.

Until slowly then all at once I felt an all familiar thud and cry out for help, dad, I felt cold wet ground beneath me, my clothes were wet and covered in mud glancing through heavy eyelids I saw the faces of my father, brother and aunt but not the face I truly wanted to see, Rowan.

I zoomed in and out of consciousness and barely remember being picked up and carried into a car, or the frantic drive through the country to the hospital.

“Rowan” I gasped.

Waking with a start I was welcomed by the light coming in from the window that was really hurting my eyes, when the world focused again and my sore eyes adjusted to the lights I saw the faces of my family, Dad, Trent and even Aunt Sophia but I found myself looking around the room as if expecting to see Rowan.

Just thinking his name my broken heart ache I felt the tears well up in my eyes and was instantly engulfed in a warm embrace “Shhhh its okay honey daddy’s here” dad whispered his hand stroking my hair.

Pulling back my father wiped the tears from his eyes, he looked tired even more so than usual.

I gazed around the room and focused on what surrounded me, beeping machines, hideous plastic plants and orange plastic chairs.

“Dad where am i?”

“Honey you are in the hospital, you were gone for hours and there was a terrible storm, honey we found you lying in the barn bruised and bloody screaming out for ‘Rowan’”

Staring at my father he seemed really confused but all I could think about was Rowan, where was he? Is he even still alive? All these thoughts fueled my actions as I flung myself up from the bed and began to thrash against the many cords and wires driven into my flesh.

“Rein…Rein..REIN! STOP! You mustn’t get out of bed you are still seriously injured” my father yelled while trying to hold me down. “Trent go and get one of the nurses, she’s going to hurt herself”

I barely heard him all I saw was an obstacle in my way, throwing him to the side I ran to the door only to be stopped by a group of alarmed nurses, one of which had a sharp needle in her hand, glaring at the nurse with the needle I ducked under the flurry of nurses and ran down the hallway towards the exit.

I ran as fast as I could past the reception and out the doors, realizing I had no where to go I contemplated hotwiring a car but the realised I had nothing but a thin hospital gown on.

“Damn it” I screamed

A car screeched to a halt narrowly missing me the door flung open and inside was Aunt Sophia “Quick get in!”


“If you ever want to see Rowan again GET IN!” she said slowly.

Just hearing his name got me to jump in the car and slam the door looking out the window as we sped off I saw my father, brother and army of nurses pour out of the sliding doors.

Turning back to Aunt Sophia who was driving like a maniac and had nearly caused several car accidents, I gripped the armrest until my knuckles screamed in protest.

“Why are you helping me? And how do you know about Rowan?” I asked her cautiously.

“You are not the only one that has visited the past dear” she whispered almost solemnly.

“Didn’t you get my letter I felt you all those years ago?” she questioned

“Letter? what letter?”

“The one explaining everything and the importance of you in history! Don’t tell me girl that you haven’t read it!”

Instantly it clicked the day we left I had found the letter jammed in my drawer almost as if it was purposely hidden where I would never look, the letter that had begun to glow when I touched it.

I explained to Aunt Sophia about how I had found a letter hidden in my drawers, somewhere I would never look, and how I had never gotten to read it. The whole time she just nodded her head as if everything I was saying made perfect sense.

It was only a moment before she started talking again and what she said changed my life forever.

(A/N: HA bet you thought I was going leave it there, well my loyal readers I have decided that I love you all too much to do that to you, READ ON FAITHFUL FANS!)

“Those ignorant fools! Thinking just because they keep it from you then history won’t repeat itself! Well he’s got another thing coming”

“What the hell and are you talking about Aunt Sophia?”

“Rein, when you were younger you always had these odd dreams of things you couldn’t possibly have known about! Things like Scotland and keeps, and knights, your parents grew concerned because you started talking about people in great detail people that you claimed to see in your dreams.”

“Your parents finally got so worried that they called me, your father remembering the same thing happening to me as a child, and to think your father always called me crazy, anyway getting back to the point when I was about your age I went missing for months at least for them it was months for me it was years, you see in the past time speeds up, anyway when I reappeared I was very much in the same condition as you I had met the love of my life but it was a terrible time to be in and I was torn away from my love and returned to the present I was found in the barn and taken to hospital, but instead of escaping I was locked away in a mental ward and believed to be crazy it was only when I go out years later that I was able to return to the past but by then too much time had passed and my love had moved on and had married another woman, I never spoke to him but I met one of his children the one that had told me of his parents marriage come to think of it the boys name was Rowan… “ She paused and turned to me with tears in her eyes.

“After that I vowed never to return to the past and to watch over the land, but then you arrived Rein and I knew that it was happening again. I tried to stop it I really did but there really is no way to stop the inevitable, I’m sorry but I believe that if I cant prevent it then I shall aid it, I’m taking you back Rein.

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