Fate Is Funny

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"Sarah? Were are you going?" I asked my wife who was packing suitcase. "Away from here." she answered picking up her suitcase and grabbing her car keys. "What? Why?" "I can do this any longer Ni. I don't want a family. You have the parenting thing down. I don't." she had a sad look in her eyes. "But Sarah. I love you." "I love you too. But it's better for the kids and it's better for you." and with that she left.

-3 days later-

"Daddy, where did mommy go?" asked my youngest Son Nick. "She's umm... Going away for a while." I said holding back the tears. "When will she be back?" his sweet innocent voices took set me over the edge. "I don't know Nick. I don't know. Why don't you go find Taylor ask her to play with you." he hugged me and ran off to find his older sister. "DADDY!" I heard on of my children's voices scream. I ran up the stairs and I saw Nick in a ball hugging his knees. "What's wrong Nicky?" I asked picking him up. He had blonde hair just like me. "T-T-Taylor's hurt." he finally spit out. "What?" I ran into her room to see my daughter on the floor passed out. "TAYLOR!" I said I grabbed her and carried her to my car. On the way to the hospital I called them telling them the situation. When we got to the hospital they had a gurney ready and I placed her on it reluctantly. I held Nick's hand as we waited outside in the waiting room.

-4 Hours Later-

"Mr. Horan?" I heard a voice say. I looked up and put a finger to my mouth motioning to whisper because Nicky was asleep in my lap. The doctor nodded and took a seat next to me. His black hair and tanned skin made him look absolutely stunning. His dark brown eyes were caring.

I smiled at him. He returned it but it was weaker than I had hoped. "Taylor is stable. But she is unconscious. We don't know when she will wake up. If she ever will." my smile dropped. "She is stable though right? She has a possibility to wake up." "A slim one. 32/100." at that moment I closed my eyes and prayed. Sarah had taught me how to pray and ever since she left I hadn't prayed since she left. "Please God, let my daughter live. I will never ask anything of you again." I prayed silently. "That was sweet. You must really care about her." I heard a voice say. I must not have said that silently. "I'm Dr. Zayn Malik." he reached his hand out shake. I lifted my hand off of Nicky's head to shake it. "Do you have a wife? Or are you widowed?" he asked smiling looking at Nicky. "My wife left 3 days ago." I felt tears threatening to fall. "Hey hey it's okay. I know how you feel. My wife left me 5 years ago because I am gay" i blinked my eyes at the last part. "I have 3 kids- The oldest Louis, Liam is the middle but he sure acts like the oldest, and Harry." I smiled at the fact he had a situation similar to me. Except I wasn't gay. Was I? I was checking him out a few minutes earlier.

"That's funny. That's the same reason my wife left me." I said, trying to please him. "Oh really?" I could have sworn his mode lightened up. "When I have a break want to get some coffee?" he asked. I nodded but then realized I still had Nicky. Reading my mind Zayn said- "I can't get him a small cot in Taylor's room if you want." I smiled lightly. "I would love to." "I'll see you at 1:45?" I nodded. I looked at the clock on the wall- 1:30. I picked Nicky up and carried him to the room in which Dr. Malik showed me Taylor was in. I heard a beeping which was the heart monitor. I set Nicky down on the cot before going over to Taylor's bed. "Hey sweetie. I know you can't hear me but I just wanted to tell you. I love you very very much and I think intake you for granted. As soon as I saw you on the floor earlier I reAlized that I hadn't told you I love you that day and the last thing I said was 'Go do your homework and call me if you need help.' I knew you would call me to help you but when I didn't hear you call for me I was worried. Then Nicky screamed for me I rushed upstairs and immeaditly knew this wasn't a good sign. And when I saw you on the ground all I could think of was how much I needed you and Nicky. And If I lost either one of you I wouldn't be able to survive." I sniffles up a tear. "And I'm leaving you in here with Nicky and I know he won't let anyone hurt you. He loves you every bit as much as I do. He is you little brother and he will be protecting you when danger comes. He will be here when you wake up as will I. We will both not be happy when you go on your first day with a boy neither of us like. But we want you to know that we love you. I love you." then I kissed her forehead and turned away.

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