Lie to Chill

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I lied my lazy ass in my bed watching a Tyra show marathon waiting, and waiting for Diggy to call back. I sighed and stood up heading for the bathroom. I flicked on the light, and looked at myself in the mirror.

"I need to do my hair, and loose some weight. Im getting a little TOO thick", I said as I lifted up my shirt and twirled my belly button ring. I took a look at my nails and smiled. All of a sudden, I heard my phone ring. I walked over to my dresser and plopped on my bed.


"Hey beautiful."



"Hey. Are you gonna ask me now?" I said with a smirk on my face. My nosy ass was so excited to hear what he was gonna ask.

"Wanna hang out?". My eyes widened. I was really planning on spending one whole day in my house and just relaxing. I didn't feel like doing anything else. 😞

"Hang out where?" I asked.

"The park."

"Uuuh" I said unsure.

"Its okay if you dont wanna do it. I don't want you to feel like you have to."

I just had to think of something to say! "Oh no, it's not you. It's just that I have a really bad cramp, and I can't even get up." 😳

"Oh okay", he chuckled. "It's cool."

"I'm so sorry. I'm gonna try to get up." I felt really bad after making up a lie.😞 but there's no turning back now.

"No, don't be sorry. It's okay. Maybe some other time."

Oh my gosh he's so sweet. My eyes began to water, because he is such a good person, and I just fucked up.

"You okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"Do you need anything?" he asked me. Why does he have to be so sweet? 😩

"Diggy, you are so sweet, it just makes me want to cry. I'm so sorry I can't hang today, but maybe we can tomorrow. I'm just in a lot of pain." Shit, I just lied again.

I heard him chuckle a little bit, as if he were blushing.

"Aight, I'll talk to you later Diggy."

"Aight, bye."


That's sucks that she can't hang out. I was really looking forward to seeing all of her beautiful features, but she has cramps, so ima just leave it at that. Maybe tomorrow.


I feel so bad about lying to him. I turned the tv off with the remote, and lied back to look at the sun setting in the big, busy, city. I just began thinking. Thinking about everything.

Even Jacob. Why am I thinking about Jacob? He is so sexy. But I don't wanna get in my feelings because Jacob is all Lyric's, and I would never take him from her. Lord what is wrong with me?

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