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I could tell that today was gonna suck. It was just one of those days. I had cramps, and didn't have time for bullshit. I let my cousin Lyric borrow a pair of my shoes, so I had to drive to her and her boyfriend Jacob's house to pick them up. I called her on my phone, to tell her I was on my way.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey" she said. "Why do you sound like that?" she asked.

"Like what?"

"Like a piece of shit" she said laughing.

"I don't know"

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, but I'm bouta' stop by and pick up my shoes."

"Okay, but when you come, just walk in, because I might not hear you knocking on the door" she informed me.


"Because Jacob and all of his friends are hangin' out, and they're being hella loud" she spoke with an attitude.

"Aight" I said.

It was only 8:00 AM so I was still a little tired, but I knew I wasn't gonna wanna do it later. I hopped out of bed and brushed my teeth. I put on my Nike high socks and slid on my Nike slides. I was still wearing exactly what I slept in; baggy Nike sweats, and a tight white tank-top. I grabbed my phone, my bottle of FiJi water, my car keys, and headed out the door.

"AYE! DIS' MY SHIT!!" I shouted in the car. My song Disclosure was on. That was the only song that could cheer me up. I began dancing while driving (which is kinda dangerous, but I don't give a fuck) and clapping my hands. Three minutes the shit went off😒, and I was back to being in a bad mood.

The drive to Lyric's house from my house was about fifteen minutes. It took me about nine more minutes until I pulled up. I got out the car, and walked in the house. It was loud as hell, and right when I walked in, everything stopped. It was kinda awkward, but I felt like a queen.👑

"Where's Lyric?" I asked.

"Oh she's upstairs" Jacob said.


All of his silly attractive ass friends had their eyes glued on me. I just fake smiled (which I'm pretty sure they knew it was fake) and walked upstairs.

"Hey love" I said.

"Hey" she said. "I'm sorry about all the chaos and noise."

"Oh it's okay. I really don't give a fuck" I said sounding emotionless.

She handed me my all white high-top Air Force Ones.

She shook her head at me smiling.

"Drove all this way just for some shoes" she giggled.

"Niggas don't play about their shoes" I said smiling a little.

We both giggled.

"But I'm about to head out now, I got things to do" I said.

"Like what?"

"Relax" I said smirking. 😏

We both started laughing.

"Peace out" I said holding up the peace sign.

"Bye cuz" she said.

I headed downstairs. They were still silent and looking at me like I was Beyoncé.

"Is there a problem?" I said with an attitude. I know it was a little rude, I just hate when people stare at me. That's one of my biggest pet peves.

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