Movie Day

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I was getting ready to call Deja so I could tell her about the movie day Jacob told me about.


"Hey," I said.


"Can you come over later tonight? We're having a movie night."

"What time?"

"Around eight."

"Aight I'll be there, but I gotta get back to work."

"Alright. Bye."


I was going through our pictures from the last magazine photo-shoot with my best friend. Her name is Amber, but I call her Rose. We both model together.

"Are you doing anything tonight?," she asked me.

"Yeah. Lyric is having a movie night tonight," I told her.

"Dammit" she said pouting.

"I'm gonna go shopping with you tomorrow. I promise babe," I told her.


*SKIP TO 8:00*

Right after work, I drove to Lyric's house and pulled up. I saw two extra cars that weren't usually there.

I knew Jacobs friends were probably there. I don't even know them, but they were so fine, and I already know that they were gonna give me some weird feeling in my stomach that I get when I get around too many cute guys. I could tell they liked me, and one of them tried to flirt with me over the phone.

I just began to smile. I grabbed my water and my phone, and hopped out of the car.


I heard knocking on the door. I knew it was Deja, so my heart started pounding a little bit. I was ready to get down to buisness.


I heard Deja knocking on the door, so I rushed to go open it. I was really excited for tonight, because I know that Quee likes her, and maybe I could watch him flirt with her.

"Hey," I said as I hugged her.

"Hey babe," she said as she smiled.

"Wassup y'all!!" she said to everyone else.

"Hey, wassup," they all replied.

She went in the kitchen to put her water in the fridge, and plopped on the big, soft couch.


Deja looked like she was in a good mood today, so I COULD have a chance to talk to her in private. I know I don't even know her, but it's just something about her that I really like. She has a nice body shape, and her natural hair is just so beautiful. But looks aren't everything. I just want to talk to her and get to know her. Maybe we could start off being friends.


"So what movie we watching?," I asked curiously.

"I have no idea", Diggy said.

"Lyirc? How the hell are y'all gonna have a movie night and not know what movie we're watching?", I said. We all started laughing.

"Let's watch a nigga movie", Issa said.

"Yeah!", I agreed.

"What the hell is a nigga movie?" Quee asked.

"Only real niggas know what a nigga movie is", Issa said.

We both started laughing. He came and plopped right down next to me on the couch and smiled. He had a beautiful smile.


Issa was making me mad. He was flirting with my future bæ. I started mean-mugging him.

"Quee, why you lookin' at me like that?", he said smiling.


I could tell that they were gonna start bonding by the way they were agreeing with eachother. 😞


"Okay y'all", I said. "Let's watch Friday, ATL, or Madea."

Everyone voted for ATL. I got on Netflix with the remote, and within a couple minutes we were watching the movie.

"I'm gonna order some pizzas", Lyric said.

"Get pepperoni, sausage, pineapple, and cheese!", I said getting excited. I LOVE food.

"Eew!!" Diggy said. "Who puts fruit...... on a pizza?!"

Everyone laughed.

"Don't talk shit unless you've tried it."

"SSSHHHHHHH! DAMN", Jacob said. "I'm trying to watch the movie."


Right when the movie was over, the pizza man walked knocked on the door.

"Wow! Perfect timing", I said sarcastically. I went to the door.

"Hi", I said with a smile on my face.

"Hello how are you?", he asked me.

"I'm great. I kinda think it's funny how you came right when the movie ends", I said being sarcastic. "We were really looking forward to eating WHILE watching the movie."

"I apologize."

"Nah it's cool. I'm just messing with you."
He just smiled at me.

"I'll go get the cash. Hold on one second." I cracked the door, and then ran to Lyric. I held out my hand, and she put a twenty dollar bill in it.


I went and payed the man, and walked back in the house with the pizza.

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