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I am a thief.

And a spider, of sorts, though I lack the multiple legs.

I take your seconds and spin them into moments and hours and days and, eventually years. I give them to you, freely. So you believe.

So why am I a thief?

Because, as you celebrate your birthday, I am stealing those years back. Your celebration of becoming another year older is my celebration of another year full of life and spirit and of life.

This is my sustenance. This is my prize.

I give them to you empty and when you have them bursting with experiences, I steal them back.

I feed on your history and give the promise of much more to come. But Death is my friend and we play, on the flip and catch of a coin, with your lives.

I am a thief and my name is Time.

As it's my birthday today, I'm in a sort of reflective mood, hence this longer chapter

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As it's my birthday today, I'm in a sort of reflective mood, hence this longer chapter. Time does, indeed, play with our lives, with each moment seemingly gone in a flash or lasting forever.

Enjoy your life. It's the only one you've got. Don't waste it being hateful or intolerant or by shying away from your dreams.

Be YOU and use the time you have the best way you can.

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