Chapter 2

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"Oh my god is she dead?"

"I don't know dipshit! check her pulse!"

I mustve fallen after running for awhile becasue my head was pounding and im pretty sure im covered in blood. I looked up to see two very attractive teanagers. One had brown hair and beautiful brown eyes and the most amazing jawline. The other boy had gorgeous baby blue eyes and black hair.

They were looking at eachother screaming about what to do with my "dead body". I looked at them not sure of what to say, it seemed like i was next to a fence and there was loud music playing. I was definetly covered in blood it was coming from the back of my head.

"umm. hi?" after i said that they both just starred at me they looked both relieved and confused.

"ya. hi my n-name is Cameron." he was definetly attractive i tried smiling a little but my haed hurt too much i could barley function

"hi, my name is Nash. So um.. are you okay?"

"My name is Ally.. im not sure. what even happend?"

"well me and cam were walking over to the-"

he was cut off when cam punched him in the shoulder and said

"we were, um just walking around."

I knew they were going to the party. Im not stupid.

"anyway we were just walking around when we saw you sprinting and then you just.. passed out i guess. You knocked your head off of the concrete and we thought you died. haha" Nash's smile was really cute, but still Camerson was hot.

I just really wanted to get out of here. I guess Cameron read my thoughts and picked my up bridal style and he took my breath away. I guess he noticed because he stated laughing. I felt the heat run up my cheeks.

"so where do you live?" i looked at cameron and i instantly got worried. What was i suppose to say? I guess i had an obvious look on my face.

"Ally are you okay?" he looked at me his eyes full of sorrow and confuion

"well i guess i dont live anywhere.. i kinda ran away from home. If you could find the nearest hotel i can-"

"No! Im no letting you live in a hotel! i know i jusr met you and this seems creepy, but do you want to live with me an nash?" My heart instantly stopped. I had no clue what to say. I just looked at him and shook my head

"I couldnt do that to you guys. I mean im such a burden really i can just stay at a hotel really"

"Oh come on you dont have a choice. Youre living with us." Nash grabbed my doffle bag and walked to his car.

There was a girl in the car sitting in the back seat, and she appeard to be crying. She had brown hair, hazel eyes and freckles scatterd across her cheecks. She had a horrible expresion on haer face. I guess she doesnt like me.

"NASH WHO THE HELL IS THIS? YOU SAID YOU WOULDNT EVER CHEAT ON ME AGAIN! THATS IT WERE THR-" she was cut off by nash kissing her on the lips

"Listen, Kells i love you and only you. I told you that a thousand times! This is Ally she doesnt have a home were just helping her out." They started talking and Kells or whatever her name is still seemed pissed. My head was throbbing from them screaming at eachother. We pulled out of the abandon parking lot and started driving to their house. I started getting really dizzy. Apparently kells and cameron switched seats so kells was sitting in the front next to nash and i was in the back with Cam.

"Ally?ALLY! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" i heard Cameron scream repetitive times in my ear, but everyting started getting blurry and then everything went black



I opened my eyes and it was dark outside. I was laying on a bed that i guess was cameron's. I sat up and looked at his alarm clock. It was 3:05am. I looked around the room and it was huge! There was a large flat screen tv that was on playing Family Guy. I got out of bed trying to find the nearest bathroom, but the second i tood up i fell back on to the floor

"ALLY!" i heard cameron scream. I sat up and looked at him and rubbed my forhead.

"ugh. Im fine im just dizzy. and tierd, and hungry."

"Want something to eat?"

"not now. Ill just wait until later." i looked at him and crawled up next to him.

"im sorry cam. I really feel like a burded, i mean i already made Nash's girlfriend hate me! i think i should go i mean-" I was cut off by Cameron hugging me tightly.

"you need to stop worring" he wisperd in my ear. He loosend his grip, but never pulled away. I felt safe and i almost forgot about my past in that moment. Almost.




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