Chapter 7

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Once we got to IHOP we sat at a booth.

I ordered some eggs, bacon, pancakes, and sausage with orange juice.

August ordered the same.

I payed for both of us because August was giving me a ride so that's the least I could do.

"So what have you been up to?" I say trying to start a conversation

"Oh nothing much." he says smiling

We stayed silent for a couple of minutes until I asked something that has been bothering me for a while

"Why do you think we keep bumping into each other?" I say sitting my fork drink down as I look up at him

He looks up from his plate and smiles

He waits to answer contemplating on whether he should tell me or not.

But he finally says something.

"Maybe it's Fait." he says putting this drink down and looking me in the eyes.

I look down and blush

"Your cute when you blush" he says lifting my chin up to look at him

"And you have a beautiful smile." he says smiling

"So don't hide it from me" he says caressing my cheek.

We stare into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours but were only seconds.

"We should get going" he says removing his hand slowly from my cheek.

A spark left. It felt so weird.

Maybe it was Fait.

"Yes of course" I say nervously

We get up and walk out of the restaurant.

We get to the car and he drives me home.

"Thanks for the ride" I say with a small smile

He just smiles at me

I walk to my front porch and unlock my door until August comes running up to me.

"Hey India I was just wondering if I could take you out tonight." he says nervously

"Yeah. That would be nice." I say nervously

"I'll pick you up at 8?" he say his face lighting up

"Yeah I'll be ready" I say walking into my house

"Alright. I'll see you tonight." he says smiling

"See you tonight." I say smiling back

He walks to his car and looks back at me as I wait for him to pull off. He waves at me and I wave back as he starts the car and pulls off.

Tonight is going to be amazing.

I can already tell.


I know this was a very short chapter but I wanted the whole date thing to be on a separate chapter because there may be some surprises.

But thanks for reading the seventh chapter of my first book.

Love you guys!


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