Chapter 5

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November 17th 1965

"John? I'm still at the station. I can't get through to anyone. I'm on a fucking payphone, it's eating money!"

"Don't you get a free phone call?"

"They won't let me use their phone. They're not exactly... welcoming. I can't get through to anyone at the offices. It either just rings out or I get pushed around the switchboard.'

"Have you been charged?"

"No, not yet."

"Not yet?"

"These bastards have already made their minds up. They're just leading up to it. I can tell. I need to speak to Brian. Have you found him?"


"Do you think he knows about all this? I would have thought he'd be here himself by now if he had."

"If he hasn't, he's probably the only man in Britain. The fucking press are everywhere. They're camping outside of here, ringing the fucking doorbell, peeping in the fucking windows. We've had to draw the curtains. It's the middle of the bloody day and we're sat here in the pitch fucking black..."

"So where is he? Even if he was in..."

"I don't know where he is. I'm past caring now. He's fucked off. That's what we should all do."

"Well, I can hardly..."

"I wasn't talking about you."

"So what am I gonna do, John? This is... frightening."


"Quite honestly George, I don't give a toss what you do."

"Wha-? John..."

"Did you hurt that girl?"

"No! Of course I didn't! How could you think..."

"Well, it just seems we don't know you as well as we thought."

"You think I murdered Grace?!"

"It's not the first time you've been in trouble, is it, George?"

"And you're Snow White? What are you talking..."

"Except this time Brian's not around to bail you out."

"John, what the fuck..."

"When were you planning on telling us?"

"Telling you what?!"

"That you"re leaving. Left. About the fucking Moonshadows, or whatever the fuck they're called."

"That's... That's not... Who told you about that? Archer? He's a fucking snake..."

"So it's not true? You didn't go to Archer's office yesterday and give him a fucking legal letter, typed out and signed?"

"It wasn't for that. I..."

"And as for Paul! You're pulling all this shit and then you're sodding off anyway!"

"John, it's not like that..."

"Isn"t it? Cos it's how it fucking seems, mate! Well fuck you George, and fuck Paul too. Sod the fucking Beatles."

"John, please..."

"George, this is Cynthia. I think it's best if you don't call us again."

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