Authors Note:

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A couple of excellent Beatle Books made The Devil In Her Heart possible - The Beatles A Diary by Barry Miles - which lists the Beatles activities day by day, and was indispensible for fact checking and for ensuring the complicated timeframe Devil... has was authentic and workable. It also provided great ideas for what-comes-next whenever I got stuck. If I wasn't sure where to go, I would check the book and see what the Beatles were doing in real life at that time. (Really recommend any Beatles Fan Fiction writers out there get themselves a copy!)

The other book worth mentioning is With The Beatles by Alistair Taylor. This is the book which first gave me the spark of an idea for Devil... In case you didn't know already, Alistair Taylor was Brian Epstein's assistant. His book is really more about Brian Epstein and his relationship with The Beatles. It was this which made me think, no one really has Brian as a main character in a fan fiction story - then also in the book Alistair Taylor says how people were always trying to move in on his empire or tried to take over - so I thought what if someone tried to do that by dubious means? That was the start of the Archer and Brian storyline - then from that, I was also a little fed up at the time with reading very similar Mary Sue style Girl-meets-Beatle stories and thought, well, what if a Beatle got involved with someone who's got an ulterior motive, who's lying and deceptive and who's - well, Grace.

I'd also like to thanks Terri (who writes her own stories at and Ginger for reading and providing excellent feedback on Devil... right from the start.

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