Chapter 1

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"Jasper come back! No don't touch that, no-no-no-no-no, uh-uh, not Jarvis leave him alone" Tony yelled at his 9 year old son. Jasper had jet black hair and was a slim, tall, figure. " Sir, would you like me to put Jasper outside with his suit so he could perhaps let out some energy?" Jarvis asked Tony, "Ah, yes please Jarvis thanks" Tony walked downstairs into the kitchen while Jarvis ushered Jasper outside.

"Hey Pepper, so you know how, um, how we uh, well, how we, did bits, last night, uh by any chance did you take a pregnancy test today?"
Pepper had been very sick this morning and after last night, well I think Tony's a bit worried that he's got her pregnant. "Oh shit, Tony, it didn't even occur to me that that was why I've been sick, I'll go get one now from the drawer." Pepper raced down to their room and got a pregnancy test out of the top drawer. She ran back and into the toilet.

7 minutes later she came out. A wary look on her face, "Tony....." Pepper began, "Shit" Tony interrupted. "LANGUAGE!" Yelled Steve form the floor underneath them. Tony and Pepper both ignored Steve and then Pepper started to speak " Tony... you know what this means right?" "Oh hell no that is not happening" Tony exclaimed "Tony you have to we agreed on this you have to give up the suit" "No, I never agreed to this, if anything this is one more reason to keep it, I have more of a family to protect!" Pepper sighed, she knew she wasn't going to win this one "Well at least now the spare room has a use" Pepper smiled weakly.

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