18- Vacation

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I woke drenched in sweat. Jake was sitting next to me.

"Another nightmare?" He spoke quietly but sweetly. I wiped the sweat from my brow and sighed.

"Yeah. This time my mom was in it..." I started to cry. Jake comforted me.

"Its been four months Chloe. I know its not super long but for those people... They would have found us by now."

"You're right. And you've been right. But I don't know Jake, I feel like something changed. I think we need to go back or even talk to your guy. We haven't heard from him in awhile."

"Chloe. We aren't supposed to hear from him, it would be danherous to communicate. He comes ount here once a month for minimal supplies."

"Yes. But I think we should reach out."
Jake sighed.

"Okay. Lets have some breakfast and Ill send him a text on the emergency phone."

"Thank you." I said feeling relieved already.

Jake and I ate eggs and fish for breakfast. Jake had gotten better at fishing and a few bird nests were nearby. We got by amazingly. The stars out here were so close it felt as if you could touch them. It was beginning to get cold out and Jake kept the fire warm. He didn't speak much of his mom. I knew he missed her. Jake talked about Ultra a lot, the technology, but he talked about Jed often. He and Jed had worked closely for the sole purpose of our escape. If we went back he might be killed. I had a lot of time to think out here. A lot of time to regret everything I had ever done. I didn't regret our move out here. I regretted not listening to John. He had warned me of what happened to those like us and I wanted to be greedy. I wanted to have my life and be safe from Ultra. If i had just stayed with them my mom would have never seen Jed, fell for him... But, then I wouldn't have been with Jake... I tortured myself for hours on end thinking about what could have been. Jake was the one who pulled me away from my own mind.

"Chloe." He said in his sweet voice again. He pulled me away from my thoughts. I just smiled. "We shoupd head out in a minute or two to get some cell service." I nodded and followed John out of the dense trees.
The walk wouldn't be long, just till...

"I got a signal!" Jake said holding the phone to the sky. The phone blipped once, then twice, then a third time. Jake quickly brought the phone to his face.

"Jake, what is it?"

"Two missed calls and a text... Its our informant..." My heart skipped a beat..

"What does the text say..." Jake reas the text to himself.

"Chloe... You were right... Theres been a bunch more breakouts and the founder are back..."

"Whoa. What. What does that even mean?" I questioned.

"I'm not sure..." He replied. Jake put the phone up to his ear. "What's the news?" I walked away from Jake, I felt like I needed air. "Chloe!" Jake called. I quickly returned.

"What did he say?" I asked nervously.

"He said that Ultra is looking for more soldiers... There is a war going on and some very powerful people in Ultras organization emerged..."

"I- I don't understand,"

"You are the most powerful they've ever seen..." Jake seemed emotionless as he spoke, only relaying the words he heard on the phone. I waa beginning to get scared. I knew where he was going with this. My nightmare was a reality bound to happen eventually.

"We got to go back then. They're hunting us with better resources. We can't hide... If we can get back to John then-"

"No." Jake cut in.

"... What do you mean?" I asked.

"Chloe. They'll just catch you sooner... I can't lose you."

"We don't know that. And you won't lose me-"

"Chloe. Im telling you right now that when I left they had been working on something. This device would turn you into the ultimate soldier. You can't get caught. Ill figure something out."

"Jake! They could be here any moment."

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"Yes, of course."

"Then trust that we'll be out of here before they get here."

"Okay, Jake, I trust you."

I was plunged back into my mind. Ultra was using their best people to track me down and just like that. The vacation was over.

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