16- Rainy Day

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I met Jake at the janitors closet every day for two months. He had been really off on the timing. One week was really five months. I wasn't disappointed in him or anyone. I was afraid and not because of Jake. I was afraid of home. Mother and Jed were the king and queen of Ultra. They also had me working. Everyday, afterschool I trained. After that the wristband came back on until the next day. I started to learn more about my powers. What I could do, what I needed to do. Everyone wanted me ro be a soldier. Preform higher than the others... And I did. I did because I had to, anything under excellent was a failure and Jed didn't tolerate failure. He didn't tolerate much. My grades were perfect and for no reason at all. To these people, they knew what my job was gonna be. I was going to be an agent, and the best they ever had.

"Chloe! Time for school!" My mother shouted from the other room. I was already up and dressed for the day. The black and blue wristband felt as uf it had become apart of me. Not that I enjoyed wearing it but as if it was natural to have it on. I only take it off for two hours once a day.

"Chloe, did you hear your mother?" Jed shouted. I remained silent tyen came into the kitchen.

"Chloe! I was calling you!" My mother barked.

"Yet neither one of you came to check on me?" I responded. They both frize for a second.

"Chloe! That is no way to speak to your mother!" Jed intervened. He enjoyed playing the father figure, took every opportunity to "show effort".

"What are you gonna do about it?! Torture me?? Too late!" I snapped. My mother slapped me across the face. I was speechless.

"Chloe... I'm sorry." My mother looked mortified. I run to my room, I slammed the door behind me and blocked it with my dresser. My parents shouted and banged on the door trying to open it. I quickly opened up my backpack and pulled tge devuce out. I quickly plugged tye device into my bracelet. With a satisfying POP! The bracelet fell to the ground. I teleported just as tge door bust open.  I teleported to school in the janitors closet. I sat down and got as comfortable as possible. I begain to whisper to Jake. Finding his mind was easy, he always was thinking of me.

"Janitors closet," I said over and over. When the bell rang there was a lot of shuffling outside of the door. It opened quickly and Jake ran to me this rime he didn't kiss me.

"Whats wrong?" He asked. I forgot... I was early..  Several months early.

"We have to run, now!" I urged.

"Chloe... I not finsihed packing! I thought I had a few more months.... Did you take off your bracelet?!?"

"Yes. Why? No Jake, we have to go. Whatever we have ready will have to do" I urged again.

"Chloe. If we leave now we wouod get caught. Whatever you pulled could get us caught. What. Happened?" He questioned.

"My mom and I got into it this morning. Things don't feel the same Jake... I'm leaving today, whether or not you come with me,"

"I understand... We'll leave today," Jake said solemnly.

"I'm sorry Jake..."

"Don't apologize. This is what I want." He said sweetly. Then he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed. "Okay, let's do this thing" he said dinally before guiding me into the light of the hallway. It was quiet and also unnatural. Jake ran to his locker and grabbed his stock of rations. I grabbed mine and went back into the closet. For months he and I stuff the closet of materials. Jake had done some research, a deadzone would be the only place we'd be able ro live in peace. Out in the middle of the woods. Jake hadn't even told me the location. We held onto the the belongings we could muster. Then poof. We were there. Smack dab in the forrest. The trees were tall, and abundant. We started to hike and within an hour we stood in a cleared out area.

"It would be best to start making a shelter. A small quick one just for the rain." I quickly grabbed the tent and proceeded to put it together as he started to collect wood for a fire.
Lightning struck the ground startling us. Jake startes counting.

"1,2,3,4,5,6-" Thunder boomed overhead and shook the ground. Within moments the rain fell and Jake and I stayed in the tent. During the night Jake continued to count away tge storm. Things could only get better from here. Everything about this place made things better... Especially the rain.

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