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I felt my feet drag as I walked to the office. I certainly didn't want to. Was I in trouble? I couldn't remember doing or saying anything that could land me here. My mind was filled with worry some thoughts. Then I heard a blip of John's voice. I couldn't tell that he had said but it was his voice. I had other things to worry about. I strolled into the office. The lady behind the desk didn't look up from her computer.

"Um. I was summoned?" I questioned. She pointed to a note to my left. It said I was signed out for early dismissal.
"Excuse me... This can't be right. My mom works till 5" I conveyed my confusion. The woman finally looked up.

"Some Feds wanted to see you," she said then when back to it. My heart dropped into my chest. I calmly walked out of the office, not even letting the door close too loudly. I walked back through the halls that were now empty. The note was firmly planted in my hand. I went back to my locker and slammed my fist into the one next to mine. The sound had an echo for a moment, then others silent. I had to go, to get out of here.... Now! I dropped all of my things and ran for an exit. I busted through the doors and was immediately stopped. In an instant, three men were in front of me. They all were carrying weapons.

"Woah," I whispered to myself in disbelief. A tall white man with dirty blonde hair in a suit spoke.

"Chole, we don't want to hurt ya, just come with us" he persuaded.
John's voice kicked in loud and clear.

"Run!" I felt my body tense.

"Please come with us peacefully or we'll take you by force" the man said firmly. I looked as if I were giving up then, took off running! The men in suits chasing after me. I tried to teleport but it wasn't that simple.
"John! They're chasing me!" I said to myself, but there was no reply. I panicked as I began to feel myself getting slower. I was still running, just not as fast. The subway station was the only place I could think of.
"John meet me at the subway!" I said again. I kept running. Soon I lost the men on foot but they chased me with cars! I couldn't keep running! My speed kept decreasing! I still kept going though. I was almost there. I was almost safe, maybe even happy. I was so close... Yet so far... I jumped down the stairs and saw John!! He heard me! Then, I felt something pierce the skin on my leg, then my back. I was hit, and John knew it. John looked me in the eyes then up the stairs before turning away and teleporting out of there. My body began to quit as I dropped to my knees.

"John!" I screamed as my vision blurred. But John was already gone, and I was too.

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