Chapter 18: Finding Predictabul

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"What are you saying, Hovernyan?"

"The curse that was keeping me in the shed for all of that time eventually wore down enough for you guys to get me out and if you were able to see Pallysol when he wasn't a statue, the same might apply to him and the others!"

Hovernyan was shaking with excitement at the thought of reuniting with his friends once again and he quickly shoved the milk caps into Lucas's hands.

"These milk caps will tell you where to find the place where Nathaniel and Kenny first met the Yo-kai, which is where their statue is also located. I imagine Gin and Kin did this just to shake the two up, but not anymore!"

Hovernyan was feeling giddy over the whole idea and as the kids looked over the milk caps, a concerning thought crossed their minds.

"Hovernyan? We only saw three of these Yo-kai-turned-statues in our time period."

Hovernyan turned his head, a brief moment of fear in his eyes.

"Which ones?"

"Gnomey, Faux Kappa, and Pallysol before we realized that he was cursed."

"Wait, so you don't remember seeing Predictabul or Mermaiden in your time period?"

The kids shook their heads and Hovernyan said,

"Well, see if you can find out where those statues went as soon as you get to your time period. Since they're just cursed Yo-kai, it's unlikely that they suffered from weathering or breaking."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to discuss a few things with a friend of mine who was lucky enough to not get cursed. He's been a pivotal part of helping me fix the timelines and well...I need to make sure he's okay."

Hovernyan looked worried as he said that, almost as if he was afraid that the curse would end up striking on his friend if he didn't go see him at that moment and he quickly left the group to track down his friend.

"Let's summon Miradox and get back to our time period."

After they used the charms with their normal clothes and Nate and Katie put their necklaces and Yo-kai Watches on, they properly summoned Miradox with the Model Zero and the group went back to their time period.


They found themselves in the alley where they first summoned Miradox and started to discuss how they were going to rescue the cursed Yo-kai.

"If Hovernyan is right, then the Rock-Away Extract should have a better effect on the cursed statues here than in the past."

"But you're forgetting that we have to track down two other statues. We have no clue about where they could possibily be, other than that they used to be in Harrisville long before we were born."

"Looks like we're going to have to take another trip to Harrisville to ask around."

As tempting as it was to go to Harrisville through Mirapo to save a lot of time, they knew that they had to plan things out carefully.

"First thing tomorrow, we talk to Mr. Goodsight about getting the Yo-kai Watches upgraded and seeing if there's a way to at least get them back to A Rank as soon as possible. It won't do us any good if it turns out that one of the statues is stuck behind a Watch Lock Door that's higher than a D Rank, not to mention that we're going to have to fight stronger Yo-kai if we're ever going to stop the Wicked Yo-kai."


The next day...

The group walked into Timer's and More and thankfully didn't have to wait too long for Mr. Goodsight to show up.

Yo-kai Watch 2: The Yo-kai War (Book 2 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now