Chapter 9: Welcome to Harrisville

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"Nate? What is all this clutter doing on your bed?"

"It's not clutter, Whisper. I'm packing for my trip to see my grandmother."

"You are?"

"Yep! She lives in Harrisville and it's been a while since my last visit."

"Wait...Harrisville? You mean the same Harrisville that giant cat mentioned?"

Nate blinked as realization sunk in.

"Oh, right! Well...I've been meaning to visit Harrisville at some point anyway this summer."

Nate nervously chuckled and Whisper just shrugged as he looked around, noticing that Jibanyan wasn't in the room.

"Where did that nekomata run off to?"

"He's probably just taking some Chocobars out of the fridge or something, Whisper. I wouldn't worry about it."

Nate just finished zipping up his suitcase as his mother walked in with a box of donuts.

"Nate? How are you doing so far?"

"I'm doing fine, Mom. Did you need something?"

"Yes...would you mind giving these to your grandmother as a thank you for letting you come over? Oh, and I just got off the phone with Katie's mother. She's also heading to Harrisville, so you two are going to head down together. She's waiting in Triangle Park for you."

"Oh! Alright, Mom! I'll go meet her there now!"

She walked out of his room as Jibanyan walked out of Mirapo with a paper bag in his paws.

"Oh! There are you, Jibanyan. I thought you were in the kitchen."

Jibanyan shook his head as he opened the bag, revealing three Specter Donuts.

"Nyope, I was getting some Specter Donuts. Want one?"

Nate and Whisper nodded and the three of them each took one.

"These are so good. I wish there was a shop for these in the Human Realm."

Nate picked up his suitcase and the donuts as the three of them walked downstairs, Whisper filling Jibanyan in on what was happening as they walked downstairs.

"Hey, Mom. I'm ready to go now."

She handed Nate the directions for how to get to Harrisville, and some money for the ride, although Nate honestly didn't need it, but he didn't want to be rude to his mother.

"I'll see you and Dad tomorrow afternoon then, Mom."

Nate waved goodbye to his mother and walked out of the house with his suitcase and the donuts.

"Alright, we just have to go to Triangle Park to meet Katie and the Koma Brothers, head to Central Station and follow the directiond Mom gave me."

When he got to Triangle Park, he saw Katie sitting there with her suitcase and another box of donuts. As they started discussing the route, their donut boxes suddenly disappeared and they saw a strangely familiar Yo-kai stuffing the boxes into a sack and when he noticed that he had been spotted, he made a break for it.

"Hey! Get back here with my donuts, you thief!"

They grabbed their suitcases and chased the Yo-kai until he vanished into thin air, forcing them to stop and catch their breath as the four Yo-kai caught up with the two kids.

"Dang it! We lost him!"

"Whisper, did you get a good look at that Yo-kai?"

Whisper typed a few things into his Yo-kai Pad and some sort of expression crossed his face.

Yo-kai Watch 2: The Yo-kai War (Book 2 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now