Mr. S

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Mr. Schneebly walked in. He was a short big guy. 

"Would you care to write your name on the board?"

"Yes...yes I will."

He walked to the chalkboard and started. He looked like he was trying to spell it. He scribbled over the letters in front of the S.

"You know what, why don't all just call me Mr. S." He said as he erased everything but the Mr. S.

"Mr. S has never taught here at Horace Green, so I want you all to be on your best behavior."

She turned to Mr. S.

"Do you have any questions?"

"Yeah, when's lunch?"

"The children just had their lunch. Well, thanks again. You saved the day!"

Miss. Mullins walked away.

"Ok, who's got food in here?"

We were silent.

"You're not gonna get in trouble, I'm hungry."

I saw Tomika slowly raise her hand. 

"You...what do you got?"

He walked to her. She had her left over turkey sub.

"Hmm hmm. That's what I'm talking about."

He took a big bite and walked back to the front.

"Ok. Teach, teach, teach. Alright, look, here's the deal. I got a hangover. Who knows what that means?"

Freddy Jones spoke up.

"Doesn't that mean you're drunk?"

"No, it means I was drunk yesterday."

"It means you're an alcoholic."


"You wouldn't come to work hungover unless you're an alcoholic. Dude, you got a disease."

Mr. S nodded.

"What's your name?"

"Freddy Jones."

"Freddy Jones, shut up! You all can just chill today, we'll start all this crapolla tomorrow."

Summer raised her hand.

"Yes Tinker Bell."

"Summer, as class factotum, first let me just say welcome to Horace Green."

"Thank you."

Summer talked about our daily routine.

"Hey hey hey. Mrs. Dumbum ain't your teacher today, I am, and I say time for recess."

Summer pointed to the chart.

"But Mr. S, that chart determines each one of us' performance. We get gold stars if we master the material covered in class."

"What are these black dots here?"  Mr. S pointed to my row of both gold stars and demerits.

"Demerits," Leonard said.

"What kind of a sick school is this? Hm?"

Mr. S ripped up the chart. It's about time that chart was ripped up too. Gold stars and demerits don't define me.

"As long as I'm here, there will be no grades or gold stars or demerits. We're gonna have recess all the time."

"But Mrs. Dunham only gives us recess for 15 minutes-"

"Hey, you're not hearing me girl, I'm in charge now, ok. I say recess. Go, play and have fun now!"

We got up and left.

Mr. S was looking at the clock for class to be over. When it was three, the bell rang. He gave the kids in the front row high fives.

"We did it, yeah, come on, give me some! Give me some! Give some of that yeah woohoo. I'll see you kids on the flip flop, later."

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