Car Ride To School

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My name is Zelda Barnes, I'm ten years old, I go to Horace Green Prep School. I may be quiet as a mouse in school, I'm a girl who loves to rock. Mom and my stepfather think I'm too young for that kind of music. I don't care what anyone thinks, it's me. I'm into The Rolling Stones, Queen, etc. But, who I listen to and love most is David Bowie. I've been a fan since I watched Labyrinth when I was seven. My parents got divorced right before I got into Bowie. His music and Labyrinth was my way of coping. I never thought anything bad was going on in my parent's marriage. They just told me out of nowhere. One time, they were laughing and talking, then, they weren't speaking to each other. As their youngest child, that worried me. My older half brother goes to visit his daddy once a week. Yep, my mother: three husbands and possibly counting, two children from two different fathers, two divorces (maybe counting). 

I was in the car on the way to school with Mom. I was listening to Bowie's new album Reality. New Killer Star (video above) was turned up full blast. I buy my CDs with the allowance Mom and Shane gives me, five bucks a week for doing chores. Both of them have jobs. 

"I got a better way! Ready, set, go! I got a better way!" I sang.

Mom pulled my earphones out.

"Will you shut up! I hate that music. You have earphones for a reason."

"Well sorry."

We pulled in the front entrance of the school. 

"Bye baby, see you this afternoon! Do your work, make good grades, be kind to your peers, and don't cause trouble."

I got out. Mrs. Dunham was usually outside of the classroom greeting her students good morning. I walked in, everyone of my classmates were there.

"Hey Zelda!"

"Hi Summer. How are you?"

"Great, Mrs. Dunham ain't here today. Supposed to be a sub."

I nodded.

A few hours passed.

After we ate lunch, I sat down, got my portable CD player out and listened to Bowie. After a full song, Miss. Mullins, the principal walked in. I put the player up as quickly as I could.

"Children, please take your seats."

The students that were standing up took their seats.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce Mrs. Dunham's substitute, this Mr. Schneebly."

Bowie Girl (A School Of Rock Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now