Day Five

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Although Ryan was just a measly boy I was lucky to have talked to, I am kind of heartbroken. I know that it was nothing to him, but it meant a whole lot to me. I haven't had a friend in quite a while, and I guess I just got attached to the feeling of having a friend again.

Yesterday, I went to the coffee shop, and sat for a couple hours, pathetically eating my bagel like a depressed fool. However, I wasn't disappointed seeing as I was stood up once again by Ryan. 

Knowing that Ryan was just an ass that probably went to the coffee shop for two consecutive days was just bored, and probably had nothing to do. But why, why did he bring the post-its? 

Getting out of my bed, I thought to myself, I really need to get a grip over my life, seriously Autumn, being so depressed over a guy you knew for what--two days? Not even, one day, the other you just looked at him and left, god damn. Shaking my head, I quickly got into a shower, refreshing myself and trying to get a hold of my life. 

Putting on what has to be the laziest and ugliest outfit, I decided that I'd skip the coffee shop for today, and instead take a walk around my neighborhood. I headed out my apartment and made my way towards the fresh breezy autumn air. 

Walking past the coffee shop, I couldn't help but peer into the window to see is maybe Ryan had shown up? No, I can't. He stood me up. Three times! Stop Autumn, stop it. I tried to not look, but I saw someone with short dirty blondish hair, and instantly my heart started racing. That was Ryan! I couldn't do it, no, I couldn't! And before I knew it, my hand was on the handle, and I was pushing it open. However, as I made my way towards Ryan, I looked at his face, and my gaw dropped. 

It wasn't him. 

It wasn't even close to him!

It was a woman! A beautiful woman. 

Dang nabbit Autumn! You screwed up! I mentally scolded myself and quickly made me way out the coffee shop in case that beautiful woman, who looked amazing with short hair noticed me. Rushing out, I collided with something hard, and before I fell to the ground, I closed my eyes, preparing for it. However, two hands caught me. Relieved that I hadn't fallen, I opened my eyes, and the only thing I could see was blue.

Beautiful blue eyes that were Ryan's. 

Embarrassed, I nodded a 'thank you' to him before rushing off and before he could say anything or even recognize me.

Actually, I wouldn't consider it rushing off, more like sprinting to avoid further embarrassment. However, I did notice something, Ryan was wearing an apron-- an apron, that signified that he had a job-- a job, the signified he worked in a place-- a place, that signified that I would go there everyday until I muster up the courage to confront him of why he stood me up! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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