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Munizeh closed her mouth, she had been meaning to ask when they'd leave when she entered the room to find Bilal mellowed out with a ball of his suit jacket under his head on the sofa's arm and an arm thrown across his eyes.

Bilal removed his arm when he heard the door creak open and close, softly. He turned his head to look at his wife with a comforting smile on his lips and hooded eyes, sleep making its presence known behind his drooping lids.

Bilal sat up to make space for Munizeh as she walked up to him with her own swollen eyes, she had shed some more tears in his absence.


She obliged, sitting beside him, her eyes trailing past his tired features as she ran her fingers in his hair, setting them in his usual fashion.

"Our flight is in two hours. Did you tell the children?" Bilal sighed, not really wanting to leave his children having only so spent little time with them.

Eight years. Five years. Three years. Indeed, it would be very little if someone would sum it up.

"Yeah, I did. They aren't too happy about it. They'll stay at home, today. I wanted them to go to school but..."

"It's alright, weekend's ahead. Doesn't really matter." Bilal shook his head,"I'll be back on Sunday if you want to stay longer, you can. I'll delay the launch date, you don't worry about anything, Munizeh. Uncle wants you, there."

Bilal focused his vision on her face as he held her hands in his own while she nodded, appreciating her husband's thoughtfullness. She could deny him but after eight years of marriage, she understood he didn't like it when she refused to do what he said especially when there's no harm and it's not like they'd die without her. It was a given that they'd miss her, alot but they'll survive. If only.

Bilal brushed his thumb under her left eye,"You were crying, again?" And as soon as he said, he found tears swimming in her doe eyes.

Bilal gathered her in the safety of his arms.

"Shh, love. I am sure, he's going to be alright. Pray for him and please, stop crying." He said, gently running his hands down her back.

Munizeh nodded, wiping her tears after several moments when she pulled away from him,"Do you want me to bring you breakfast, here while you rest?" She cleared her throat, her voice hoarse.

"No-No, I am fine. I came only a day before, I can't afford to miss another breakfast with them. Let's go." He pulled her along with himself, rising from the sofa.

"Where have you been, Yahya?" Bilal inquired as Munizeh looked between her husband and her son who chose to stay mute with his lips pulled into a straight line. He refused to look at Bilal when he addressed him, far too interested in playing with his barely touched poached eggs.

Bilal put the fork back in his plate and cleaned his hands with the napkin on his lap. The younger ones oblivious to the tension in the room, Anaaya was busy messing with Anaam as Amaan stuck to his older brother's side as usual.

Bilal got up from his chair, patting Yahya's back, "Come, betay."

Yahya reluctantly got up, not a word escaped his mouth but he did not have the heart to refuse his father's request.

"You sit back and finish your breakfast, Amaan. I am not going to eat your dearest brother." Bilal uttered as he glared at his young son, who trailed behind them, imitating his brother's silence.

Amaan rolled his eyes and Bilal's eyebrows rose to his hairline when he saw Amaan seek Yahya's permission. He admired the bond his children shared, they were like him and Zafar. When nostalgia would hit him like this, he forgot what who his brother had been in the last years of his life, what he had done. He only remembered who he had been before he killed them all with a single blow. He remembered the elder brother that he was, playing crosswords, scratching words, their wrestling and wild chase. The rock, his foundation and he loathed himself as he did when he would find himself pinned under his wife's affectionate eyes and he would wonder what she'd think about the man she loved who thought about the man who had ruined her like he did.

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