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'I still can't believe you consented, Armineh. God! It's a good day. Alhamdulillah. Subhan Allah.'Ahsan articulated, running a hand through his hair as he twisted in his chair to face her with an ear to ear grin. 'I didn't think I'd impress you so much in our first meeting.'

A lovely rosy hue rushed to Armineh's cheeks as she bowed her head again, wisps of soft brown hair came to her rescue as her face fell behind the curtain of her hair. 'Excuse me, Ahsan. I can very well take back my word, still.'

'I don't think you will, though. You like me too much.' Ahsan stated cockily.

'The door's open. Easy with the flirting, bro-'. Armineh paused her eyes wide as she realized what she was about to say and her hand flew to her mouth as she turned to look at him.

'Were you about to say bro-'

'Broadnosed.' Armineh said, lamely.

'Yeah. Broadnosed.' she uttered again with conviction, humiliated as she opened her files again, turning the pen in her hand.

'Armineh, I have one the most beautiful noses, please. People dig this nose in England.' Ahsan traced the slope of his nose with his forefinger.

Armineh laughed heartily at his antics, no sound escaped but her shoulders trembled, mirth dancing in her eyes as she covered her mouth with her hand.

Ahsan found it amusing as the headstrong woman sitting across him fiddled with her pen, shy under his gaze when she sobered as if she had remembered the inappropriateness of her action, biting the inside of her cheek but for all things inappropriate, her laughing self-had been engraved in his mind, he'll cherish it forever. She seemed to do that a lot whenever she was upset like right now. He found himself looking out the large windows again. The view was mesmerizing, orange hues adorned the entirety of the blue sky, dipping in the sea. Past few days have been one of the best days of his life- this woman who sat before him, unknowing the magnitude of his affections for her, made it possible. From his first meeting with Armineh to her accepting his proposal and then here he was, the whole office as their chaperone with his to be wife during her lunch break. The mere word wife made him giddy, excitement bubbled inside him, he only hoped Armineh felt the same.

'Hey, Armineh. Look up. I just wanted to know are you sure you want to do this with me? I mean, it will be quite heartbreaking if you don't want me but I'll be okay and if you're sure, we can always marry when I come back from England next year or the next or the next. I'll wait for as long as you want me to.' Ahsan spoke, in earnest as he straightened in his chair opposite Armineh. Armineh marveled at his honesty, she was grateful he wasn't one of those men who beat around the bush.

'Ahsan! I am sure.' Armineh scolded lightly. 'Stop worrying, please. I want to be with you plus I don't like long engagements. I trust Allah to look after my affairs. I know it's only been a few days since then but I have met you almost every day. Our mothers are happy, I -We are happy. I don't need more time to make sure of it.'

'Only two more weeks and we'll be married. I just don't want you to feel rushed into-'. A glare from Armineh and he shut his mouth, quickly.

'Ahsan, you're disappointing me now with this attitude of yours. Why are you so insecure? Trust me to make my own decisions without being played, at least. I am a big girl, you know.'

'Yes, big girl. I am sorry.' Ahsan asked, rolling his lips into his mouth to keep himself from smiling as Armineh glared at him, again.

'Your break's almost over. Pity.' Ahsan said, glancing at the expensive wristwatch enclosed around his wrist with a wry smile and then shifted his silvery eyes to Armineh who had been watching him, her hands stapled under her chin, a frown etched on to her face.

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