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Key words
*[Y/n]: Your name
*[B/f/c]: Best friend's character

Cagney Carnation's POV

"Yeah? Who else would it be?" [Y/n] gave a long breathe. "You scared me, dude. Gosh..." They held their chest. [B/f/c] nudged [Y/n] and gestured to me before smirking. [Y/n] blushed and covered their face from embarassment. I was confused, but shrugged it off and plopped on the Cups' couch beside Mugman.

'Speaking of crushes, I actually have one. ' [B/f/c] admitted. [Y/n] grabbed their best friend's shoulders before saying. "Bitch/Asshat, tell me." They shook their shoulders roughly. 'OKAY! IT'S CUPHEAD GODDAMIT!' I heard Mugman choke beside me. I laughed at him while [B/f/c] 'pouted'.'IT'S NOT FUNNY ASSHOLE!' Then [B/f/c] started to argue about how it's not funny.

I didn't really listen, since I zoned off. Something bad's gonna happen today, I could feel it. I just hope no one would get hu-

"AHHHHHH!" [Y/n] fell on the ground. A green stain was forming on their shoulder blade. "HOLY SHIT [Y/N] DUDE WAKE UP!" As if on cue, Elder Kettle and Cuphead entered he scene. "What happened to [Y/n]?" Elder Kettle asked with worry. "I-I don't know! We were talking then she fainted then this green stain appeared on her shoulder blade!" Elder Kettle went over and inspected the stain.

"Oh dear, this is no ordinary stain. This is non other than Snake's Drool, a poison you could buy. It isn't deadly, but you can't wake up unless you've found the antidote. Somebody poisoned [Y/n]. I will try to find a cure for them, but in the meantime, help me bring them to the boys' room." Everyone tried to help, but I was looking for the source. Then, there it was. I heard a devilish snicker come from the window. I went towards it and saw a demon outside laughing to himself.

"Boss is gonna be giving me a promotion! Snake's Drool? I've used the best poison out there! Ms. Berg will be happy to hear that her dirty work was done. " The demon left while doing a little dance. I thought for a while. 'Berg? Where have I heard that befo-' Then it struck me like lightning.

"HILDA! SHE DID THIS!" They looked at me. "Ms. Hilda? No, she would never. Then again, [Y/n] did say that Hilda did something, but I just thought they were crazy." Mugmam informed. "If [Y/n] said that Hilda became a yandere for me, and this really happened, I think it's true."

I left their house and went to Hilda's observatory. She was on a cloud, playing with the stars. I cleared my throat and she heard me. "Cagney? Oh my stars, I finally-" I punched her straight in the face. "DID YOU DEAL WITH THE DEVIL, HILDA?! I THOUGHT WE WERE DONE WITH THE DEVIL'S SHIT!"

She held her bruise and frowned. "SO WHAT IF I DID?!" She yelled back. I held her by her neck in rage and tied her to the wall with my vines. "I understand jealousy Hilda, and I know that feeling doubles up since the Devil is here, but I don't understand SOMEONE WHO WOULD POISON SOMEONE OUT OF IT!" I tightened the vines.

(A/n: Not that way, ya pervs)

"Wha-what?! That demon poisoned them?! I never agreed to that!" She defended. I was about to yell something, but slow clapping was heard behind me.

"Well, well, well, hello Carnation." A deep voice snickered. I turned around to see the Devil himself. I growled and brought a vine out to stab him, but he moved out of the way in time. "Hey, don't do that! Half of your soul belongs to me!" I felt a weird sensation and immediately collasped on the floor. "You're now under my control."

The vines around Hilda loosened and she dropped to the ground. "THIS ISN'T WHAT WE AGREED WITH! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T DO ANYTHING TO HIM!" Dev chuckled darkly and shook his head. "Oh Ms. Berg. I did say "It's not like I'm going to do anything to it," but I didn't say I wouldn't." I faceplanted on the floor on purpose at Hilda's stupidity.

"Now Carnation, I want you to lure the two boys into gambling again." I rolled my eyes and got up. "Why would I do-"

3rd Person POV

Cagney didn't feel like it was him controlling himself. He could feel his own body and he could see and hear, but couldn't move it. "Now, let me say this again, lure the two boys into gambling again." He was about to reject again before he said. "Yes boss." It wasn't him who said it, but it came from his mouth. He tried to get in control again, but he couldn't.

Hilda just watched in horror as Cagney left to go to the Cup Bros' house. "You should've learned this by now Ms. Berg: Don't deal with the Devil." Then Dev left her alone.

Cagney arrived at the Bros' house. He knocked on the door a couple of times before Mugman answered. "Oh hey Cagney, we were jus-"

"MUGMAN! I FOUND AN ANTIDOTE FOR SNAKE'S DROOL!"He exclaimed. Mugman's eyes widened in hope. "Where do we get it?" Cagney wore on a fake frown. "It's in the... Devil's Casino." Mugman gasped and called out for Cuphead.

Cuphead was about to greet Cagney  before Mugman pulled him into a private conversation. "I feel...exclaimed...yeah but...still...don't trust... under the Devil's contro-... no...never exclaimed befo-... okay fine." After a few moments, they looked at Cagney. "If it's for [Y/n], we'll do it! "Cuphead smiled."Great, let's go! " Cagney- led them to the Devil's Casino.

2nd Person POV

You woke up with a groan. "Ugh... what happened." A sigh of relief was heard. "I'm glad you're awake..." Elder Kettle said. You looked around the room to see  [B/f/c] staring outside. "What happened to them?"

You gestured to them. "Oh, they said they will 'log out' for a while." You nodded. "How long was I out?" You scratched you head. "3 days straight. I managed to find the antidote for the poison someone gave you." Someone gave you poison? Neat. "What happened this past few days."

"The Devil rules over Inkwell now."




I love Halsey and Melanie's songs. They're just so relatable

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