Deal |7|

383 10 3

Key words used:
*[Y/n] : Your name
*[F/f] : Favorite Food
*[B/f/n] : Best friend's name
*[B/f/c] : Best friend's character

Hilda Berg's POV

[Y/n] and Cagney slept with each other last night again. The thought still disgusts me. I can't believe Cagney would fall for a human like them. I've known him since we were kids and when [Y/n] enters the game, he falls for them!

I could remember me and Cagney as children like it was yesterday. He protected me from young Goopy when he was picking on me. I knew that he would be the one for me.

[Y/n] [Y/n] [Y/n]! It's always about [Y/n]! What about me?! I'm a zeppelin while they're just a human! Even Sally's better than them! I tried to think of a way to get rid of them. I decided to watch closely and find any weaknesses.

The cloud I was sitting on arrived at Cagney's house. I started at the window to see Cagney giving Y/n what appears to be [F/f]. "Cagney! How did you know this was my favorite?" They asked with a smile.

"I heard [B/f/n] say that it was your favorite. I only made it so you could eat without complaint though." Cagney replied while rolling his eyes. Their favorite food... That slut/whore, thinks they can steal what I love?! IT'S NOT FAIR

I started at them in envy. Ugh... I really need a drink. I led my cloud to The Devil's Casino, passing by Isles II and III. This may not be a good idea, but I can't take the pain. I got off my cloud and headed inside. The smell of liquor, smoke, and desperation filled my nose.

I scrunched it in disgust and headed over to the bar. One of the Tipsy Troop members named Martini took my order. "What'll it be?" She asked hazily. "Vodka, I'm so fucking tired of everything..." This was such an unhealthy habit. This is what made me deal with him in the first place.

Martini nodded and got a bottle of vodka from one of the wine shelves behind her. She got a shot glass and poured the liquid in it, then sliding it towards me. I took the glass and drank it fast. I slammed the empty glass on the table, suggesting that I wanted more. About five or six shots later, I was a hiccuping mess.

I felt someone sit next to me, but I ignored it. "Back again, Berg?" I immediately faced the person. Speak of the devil, it was the Devil. I didn't want to see him again, not now. The Cup Bros just saved us from his grasp a few months ago, and I'm seriously gonna get trapped again? I groaned and looked away.

"What do you *hic* want Dev? Can't you see I'm *hic* busy?" I took another shot, feeling the weight lifting off my shoulders. "Busy? Oh Hilda Berg, I know you. I could tell the problem. And not only is it a problem, but a sin! A deadly sin! I could sense it from a mile away!" I glared at him. He was right, I was envious of that gamer. But I tried not to show it.

"Oh yeah? Where's your *hic* proof?" I asked wearily. He chuckled and pointed at my heart. "I know the feeling's in there. I'm the Devil, I know when someone commits a sin, especially the deadly ones. I'm only here to help." I knew where this conversation was leading to, but I kept in it anyways.

"Help how?" He smirked and took out a cigarette from who-knows-where. "I'll make sure that [Y/n] doesn't take the flower's heart, if you allow me to have half of his soul." I facepalmed. "You do know that I'm *hic* going to refuse straight *hic* away if that's the *hic* case, right?" I started immensely at him, waiting for a response.

"I just said I'll have half of his soul, I didn't say I would do anything to it." I paused and thought for a while. 'He didn't say that he would do anything with it, he'll just take half of it and that's that.' I hesitated before answering. "Okay fine, it's *hic* a deal."

Out of nowhere, a contract and a quil popped up. I drunkenly signed it and it dissolved into nothing. A demon popped up beside us. Dev whispered something to it. It nodded and left without speaking. "That demon will take care of the problem." Dev got up and started walking away. "Pleasure for doing business with you, Miss Berg." And with that, he was gone.

Cagney Carnation's POV

After [Y/n] ate their breakfast, they went outside to go check on [B/f/n] are the Bros' house. I don't know why but, everytime I look at them, I smile and feel like everything will be okay if they're there. I started to blush and I covered my face with my hands. 'I wasn't falling for them, was I?'

I thought to myself. I sighed and got out of the house, locking the door, and heading over to the Bros' place to check on [Y/n]. While going there, I couldn't help but feel watched. I looked behind and saw no one. I shrugged it off and ignored the feeling. I finally arrived at their place.

I knocked 3 times before Mugman answered the door. "Oh hi, Cagney. What are you doing here?" I crossed my arms. "Checking on the gamer. Where are they?" He smiled. "Oh, they're inside with [B/f/n]' s character, or as they like to call it [B/f/c]. Would you like to come in?"

I shrugged and nodded. He led me inside to the living room. I saw [Y/n] and [B/f/c] talking. 'So [BW/n] thought you were dead and shit, so they started breaking down in the cafeteria crying, "I DIDN'T WANT THEM TO DIEEE!", let's just say the tables have turned on them after that.' [Y/n] started laughing and I couldn't help but blush at their cuteness. "Crap, I missed alo-" That's when they noticed me standing there. "Cagney?!"

Shit, sorry this took a while. I was busy making my Baldi reacts to his fangirls 2 (search it in YouTube, my name's MicroChan)

I also wanted to make this ASAP since exams are in 2 days and I need to enjoy my freedom before I get grounded for low grades ;-;

Reality | Cagney Carnation x Depressed! Player! ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin