10.Agent Healer

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I walked straight to the desk that sat at the front of an empty waiting room. Normally it was packed with injured agents, so I was surprised to see it empty for once.

"I need to see agent Healer" I said to the agent working the desk. She was some random, completely unimportant desk worker. Also, one of the low ranked ones. Yes, even the desk agents had ranking.

Along with the overall agent rankings, there were ranking for every job category. Wether it be field agents such as me and Dylan, a guard like Nate, or a desk worker like Margret. Each had their own ranking system based on various factors. According to everyone but me, I was the top field agent and overall agent. I had also managed to end up in some other job categories that I didn't belong in.

Anyways, the woman in front of me was a low ranked desk agent. There were a lot of desk agents though, considering how agents with offices in the main building normally had a secretary.

When I first started out as vice commander, Mark had given me a secretary. A few days after I met her, I found out that she was too slow and uncommitted to keep up with me, so I kindly told her to find a new job because she definitely wasn't qualified for the one she had. Needless to say, I avoid secretaries, her rank dropped, and now she works at the clinic.

Looks wise, she was pretty. Curly black hair framed her face and her caramel colored skin brought out her dark blue eyes. Work ethics wise and personality wise, I hated her.

"Bunny. So horrible to see you" she greeted me.

"Likewise. I guess even the devil didn't want you since you crawled your way back here" I said.

"At least I don't belong in a petting zoo" she retorted.

"Says the agent named Chaff" I said holding back a laugh.

"I don't see what's wrong with my name" she said. Oh if only her brain were a bit bigger. She'd realize that chaff had more then one meaning.

"Well then agent Chaff or should I say Darla I wish I could say I won't see you around, but unfortunately will" I said.

I left and sat down in a chair deciding to wait until Healer came out rather then talk to Darla more. There was a reason why I hated Darla and it wasn't just because she was a bad secretary.

"Why do you hate her? She was so nice when she was at our school last year" Dylan asked sitting beside me.

And there it is. The reason why I hate her. She went to our school last year and was just as bad as Diana. I despise her, Darla never left me and my best friend alone. Yet everyone believed that she was one of the nicest people in the world.

So, maybe my views on her were a bit skewed and biased, but she made me miserable at school so I made her miserable at the agency. It was only a matter of time before I'd finally make her quit and she will definitely leave with a bang. I'm a nice person after all, sometimes.

"Bunny? What are you doing here?" A voice exclaimed from behind me.

"Healer" I said turning to face her. With dirty blond, wavy hair and blue eyes, it was easy to tell that she was Dylan's twin sister.

I would consider her to be one of my few friends within the agency. Like Virus, she graduated from college early and works as a doctor both inside and outside of the agency. I watched her doe eyes widen even more at the sight of the blood that covered me. Most of it from the enemy agents, but some of it was mine.

"Right. Good news, it's empty tonight and I was about to leave, so I'll be able to look at you right away" Lucy said.

"Why even bother? People would be happy to see her dead" Darla commented since she had apparently been rudely listening to our conversation.

"I hate you" Lucy and I said in sync. We both started laughing as Darla glared at us.

"Follow me" Lucy finally said as she began to walk towards a hallway.

"Why do you keep her around?" I asked Lucy.

"Dad forces me to. He's says she knows too much about the agency to let her go and this was the last place left to stick her" Lucy explained.

"Can't she just have her memories erased? We've done it to civilins who stumbled across headquarters" I commented.

"It's a long and boring speech that sums up to he won't let her go" Lucy summarized.

"Well that's great. Anyways, time for you to do your thing" I said sitting down on an exam table.

"Right. I've got some spare clothes that you left here for after, but first let me have a look" she said. Lucy began her examination and soon she was finished.

"Looks like most of the blood isn't yours. You might need some stiches" Lucy decided.

"Do whatever you have to. I trust your judgment" I said and soon she began to patch me up.

Author's Note

Hey everyone! Sorry this update is just a bit late, aka like a week late. Anyways, I'll still try to update tomorrow and I'll also be posting some new covers later, so please tell me which ones you like best. Also, you know how sometimes Wattpad will delete chapters? It's never happened to me...till now. Good news, I already had a copy saved elsewhere, so I didn't have to rewrite anything. So, that was lucky. Right, thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. Till next time


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