Chapter 6

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Tanner took his shirt off when they got back to the car. "So where were we?"

"Well," Mike answered, "we learned that you're Bette Midler, Dylan's Barbara Hershey, and you just finished singing 'The Wind Beneath My Wings.'"


"'Beaches.' It's an '80s movie, a chick flick but iconic. You guys should watch it."


"So you finally declared your love for Dylan, asked him to move in with you, and things got better. Did they, Dylan?"

"Oh yes. 100 percent."

"I wouldn't say 100 percent right away. It might have taken me a few weeks to work up to that. Next we told our families."

[December 2017; Wichita]

"I have an announcement to make. Dylan and I are together now, and he's going to be moving in sometime in the next month."

"Finally!" Tristan said. "It's about time."

"Congratulations," Kim said. "I think we all knew this was coming. Dylan, you know you've always been a part of our family. We're sorry it took so long."

"Seriously, did everyone know but me?" Tanner asked.

Taylor nodded and mumbled a congratulations to Dylan.


"That went well."

"You know they love you."

"How could they not."

"My thoughts exactly. So, your family ..."


"We need to go shopping."

"Do we?"

"You have 11 brothers and sisters. The real question is, do we even have enough time to do that much shopping."

"I doubt it. And it's 10 - 11 including me."

"Well let's get started. Best Buy?"


The next day they showed up at Dylan's house with a large sack of presents.

"Merry Christmas!" Tanner announced.

"Merry Christmas!" Karen answered. "You can set those over there. Dinner's almost ready."

When everyone was seated, Dylan spoke.

"So, as you probably figured out, Tanner and I have some news to share. He's my boyfriend."

"I'm very happy for you, honey," Karen said. There were assorted cheers from Dylan's siblings.

"And, after I get my school situation worked out, I'm going to be moving in with him."

"Can I have his room?" Peyton asked.

"And I've hired some people to help out around here, so you don't think Dylan is skipping out on his chores," Tanner explained.

"That's lovely, Tanner," Karen said. "I'm not ready to let my baby go yet, so I think we'll keep his room open, at least for a few months. Not to imply anyone thinks you two aren't going to last."

"They better," Kyle said.

"Thanks Mom. It'll be nice to have it when I come back to visit, especially if Tanner and I end up moving somewhere else. And thanks Kyle. You're a big part of our happiness."

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