Bloody hell

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Ron took a handful of powder from the flowerpot and prepared to travel to diagon alley. He threw the powder into the fireplace and the flames grew big and green. He stepped fearlessly into them and all he felt was a slight tickling. Floo powder: the travel method for the modern wizard

Ron opened his mouth and saw ginny and harry kissing so hard it looked like they were eating each others faces.

"BLOODY HELL!!!" He shouted, his face twisted in outrage.

Suddenly, there was a sucking feeling, like being sucked down the drain and then he was spinning incredibly fast and then...

Ron flew out of a fire and landed hard on his face. He sat up coughing and looked around. It was unbearably hot and he seemed to be sitting on red sand. There was blood splattered everywhere and fires were flaring up randomly. He could hear faint, yet bonechilling screams in the distance.

"bloody hell," he said again.

Thanx again 2 TechnisTechnis for the idea😎

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