Say Yes-3

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Continued Saturday Evening///Trey P.O.V

        "Will you go on another date with me?" I ask her as I seen the fear and anxiety in her eyes and it was funny to see her get like that. She hits me and we laugh.

        "Yeah I guess I will. I really did have a good time you showed me some fun. Where did you learn to ice skate?" I can't really think of a answer.

        "Um I can't really remember I've always been good at all sports. Not to sound cocky or anything." I say with a smirk we start to walk down the street to where we were parked at in my private parking structure I rented a spot for the year since I'm always Downtown. It wasn't even that expensive.

        "Well I'm good at dance, and gymnastics. Also I was into boxing during my freshman year of high school. So I'm athletic too! I'm hungry." I laugh at her little pout once I get us both into the car safely.

        "So what you want to eat we can go wherever. As long as it's open it's almost 10pm." She puts a thinking face on and bites her lip lightly which is so sexy.

        "I just honestly want some pizza, ooo or some burgers and fries. I much rather have burgers and fries." She says looking like her mouth is watering.

        "So Coney island should be fine?" I ask and she nods then smiles. She pulls out her phone and starts texting or something. Here go those pauses, but I turn up some music to tune out the silence as I drive to Coney. Once we get there and we're seated she smiles real big and I smile too.

        "So Trey what are your long-term goals in life?" She asks I feel like I'm in 'Think like a Man'.

        "I would really love to be a NBA player one day soon and I would hopefully be able to have a family one day too." I say after taking a minute to think about what I really do want in life. "What about yours?"

        "Um, well I want to move to Miami one day soon, probably after I graduate, I want to be an entrepreneur and help the community especially where I came from. You know, since I grew up with a big family I always wanted a few kids, maybe 5 or 6 and a husband." She says and I nod taking it all in she has real goals not just little girls one.

        "Well I think it's good that you're actually thinking about your future. Dance isn't in your big dreams?" I ask remembering her telling me about her love for dance.

        "I do love dance but I think I just want to own a studio one day, and I was thinking of being a background dancer but I'm unsure if the tour life is really for me." I nod understanding that being away from me wouldn't be good.

        "I understand because then you wouldn't be able to spend time with big daddy." We laugh and then our waiter comes and takes our orders while lustfully looking at Sky I mug him and he apologizes. Then I get breakfast for dinner, getting some steak and eggs.

        "You look cute jealous." Sky says with a little blush, I laugh at her innocence.

        "Girl ain't nobody jealous. Who you on a date with? Me not him so I don't have no reason to be jealous." She nods and has the little kindergartener smile.

        "You right. So how many siblings do you have?" Sky asks.

        "I just have my little sister Ashley who stays with me. You have 4 siblings right?" I ask remember her saying something like that.

        "Yeah 3 brothers, and 1 sister she's my twin but we don't really act alike or look alike. So are you more of a morning person or a night owl?" We like playing 21 questions I chuckle but I enjoy getting to know her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2014 ⏰

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